Fun Fact about Path of Exile: Atlas of Worlds

I got several non-prophecy strongboxes during the Prophecy league.. I got a Kaom's box in act 3 normal..
Would of been great if ggg implemented that for the prophecy league considering I got all the unique boxes that weren't part of the challenge. Thanks. =P
Tofu1215 wrote:
Would of been great if ggg implemented that for the prophecy league considering I got all the unique boxes that weren't part of the challenge. Thanks. =P

...they did. Check the 2.3 notes, unique box rates were doubled then too.
Wow, so in my next 750 hours of gameplay I can expect two of those Strange Barrels.
I came here to drink milk and kick ass...and I've just finished my milk.
King_of_Limbs wrote:
Wow, so in my next 750 hours of gameplay I can expect two of those Strange Barrels.

jep maybe even 3 unique barrels if you're lucky!
"Now all that's left is for you getting on your knees."
if you know thanks me:) i'm dying to find out x'D
You are playing Poe such a long time and still confused about the wording? It Says "The Dropchance" not "The amount you have seen".

So all the 0x2 = 0 has nothing to do with the dropCHANCE.
yeah now i can double my chances of...wait what? I mean yeah...wait unique boxes were a thing? I thought those appeared on unique maps only during the last 10 seconds on the night of the harvest moon after you sacrificed 1000 avian retches while killing voll with a plastic bag.
Still failing to solve "The Riddle of Melee" 4.0 HYPE!!!
THE EAGLES!!! (bleeds out from a wound to the gut)
the eagles...are...coming...(coughs)...the eagles...
Clearly doubles your chances of getting nothing.
(Hope this post does not get deleted by GGG too!)
I guess I'll see one in 4 years instead of 8 then ;)
Fun fact about Atlas of Worlds: it still isnt working for some people.

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