Current Development Priorities

"In 2.3.1, we've found and fixed various places where things weren't preloaded correctly and were loaded during combat, which caused stuttering. Now these will be correctly loaded when you enter the area, giving you a smoother experience in-game."
Does this apply to the screen freeze I experience whenever a necromancer summons minions or when monsters with the bloodline mod "Mark of Cannibalism" devours a corpse?
Sorry developers, but you are dumbs !
You think that map loading is only performance issue? Is none issue right now, issue by last years is fucking low fps, and some spells that lower fps from 100 to 5.
Oh sorry, your game engine is shitty and you can't do anything about it :(
Last edited by jaav on Jun 16, 2016, 11:59:01 AM
At this rate headhunter/inspired learning bug while using bleed,grat violence,profane bloom etc will be fixed sometime after challenge league Prophecy lol..

*Get it together GGG
-Official Forum Dweller-
-I started the hoho movement-
-Exploit Early - Exploit Often-
-Moderators are absurd and OP-
Last edited by xPiranha on Jun 16, 2016, 12:04:26 PM
ggnorekthx wrote:
So... I have stayed off the forums this league because I try not to rage here too much. After Perandus I thought, surely, Prophecy would have FAR less problems... boy, did you guys surprise me!

The league mechanic is fine, and THANK GOD for Strongboxes not freezing me anymore. Those two items are great! But everything else has gone to shit.

First off, getting to the Login Screen in 2 seconds is meaningless when I now spend like 30 seconds stuttering through town. Also, if I sit in a busy town like A4M, I will continue getting FPS hiccups indefinitely. It is completely unreal how botched this new preloading is.

Secondly, the long 20-60 stutters in actual game areas is also unreal. How this could ever be perceived as superior to the old loading is beyond me. You guys must have fired or lost a QA guru a few months back, because prior to Perandus, things were NEVER this bad. This is now two leagues in a row where performance problems are making me question even playing the game anymore.

THIRDLY, if that all wasn't enough, is that I get randomly DCed at least 4-5 times per day. I never used to get DCed, like, at all. Maybe twice per league. I've been DCed no less than 15 times already and I'm only playing two or three nights a week. I should note that certain Prophecies and/or Prophecy mobs seem to be linked to this so I don't think it is related to the network issues.

FWIW, I kindly left out any discussion of the myriad of ISP/Routing issues. That is a whole different can of worms, but for me, I prefer to comment on the things that I *know* are in GGG's immediate court and can be dealt with directly.

Look, I know game development is rough, I know things go unseen. I know you've got thousands of us on weird franken-PCs and what not. But these facts have been here since the very beginning and the game was never like this. So clearly your methods, attention to detail or - SOMETHING - has changed on your end to produce such glaring performance problems two leagues in a row now.

Please don't let such a wonderful game drown in tech issues due to carelessness or apathy or whatever is going on.

Agree with that 2 sec loading screen rather have it the way it was.
-Official Forum Dweller-
-I started the hoho movement-
-Exploit Early - Exploit Often-
-Moderators are absurd and OP-
Sounds good :)
Chris wrote:
It's also great to see people working out the tricks regarding how to manage and cycle their prophecies in clever ways. The seal prices and availability at different levels have been carefully chosen so that there are rewarding ways to either achieve or skip through your Prophecies looking for specific ones that benefit you.

I call B.S. on this. There are very few "rewarding ways" to get rid of shit prophecies or prophecies that you've already received dozens of times. Most prophecies have very little reward or the reward is duplicitous and their trade value is negligible because everyone is getting the same repeat shit prophecies. I also think your choice of costs to seal prophecies are ludicrous in many cases. Carefully chosen? I don't think so.

Yes, I'm salty because I've done hundreds of prophecies and still haven't gotten Jeweller's Touch. But seriously... lower the price to seal a prophecy or give us another way to clear them. Pretty please.
POE Serenity Prayer: GGG, grant me the serenity to accept the RNG I cannot change,
the courage to challenge any unbalanced content, and the wisdom to avoid the forums.
Mad: "Oh, it's simple and if you insist... I just think you're a dick. That's all."
Please don't make the game longer to finish. I already find myself wanting to be done at the end of act 3 and dreading the thought of an act 5.
As always, above and well beyond written communication as compared to the standards of the industry. Thanks Chris. :D
Yordan wrote:
Maybe for a change the cold spells will became playable again.. just for a change..
They are just worthless gems now.
Here a small list of worthless gems - maybe think about fixing their nowdays crappy nature :

- Decoy totem. - is there a single person actually still using it, since it can not be casted from CwDT ?!

- Ice Spear - while it was something before patch 1.3, nowdays it is a gem which even the noobs does not pick up.

- FrostBolt - hype before release and practically none playing with it after. Thanks for the hype anyway.

- IceStorm - it's a funny staff, but definately not cheap build, will we see a gem for it finally or a bit of boost of it's damage ?

I'm currently playing a Frostbolt build. Just yesterday, I saw two people playing Ice Spear. Decoy Totem is great for bosses. Icestorm is as good as it ever was (which, btw, was pretty damn good).

Seriously, there are skills out there that aren't used much (Element Hit, for example, although even that's got a fillip recently with things like Nuro's Harp added), but your chosen set is just silly. Frostbolt hits like a truck (I don't use it with Vortex, just kill with Frostbolt itself). Ice Spear has insane crit, which enables it to find uses even without GG damage. Icestorm builds usually trump their Firestorm counterparts (and Firestorm is a good spell). I didn't like the Decoy Totem change either, but for lengthy boss fights it's still very powerful.
Last edited by Exile009 on Jun 16, 2016, 12:38:23 PM
After the 2.3 expansion, I used to have severe startup crashes with exactly the "Unable to deserialise packet with pid X" error message you mention, but adding the line "--waitforpreload" helped a lot.
The game now starts without any major problems (although, quite naturally, it takes more time to get to login screen) and I actually think it even helped with stuttering and lag spikes, although this is still an issue...
Last edited by pathfinding on Jun 16, 2016, 12:43:14 PM

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