[2.1] Lowlife vaal spark

I looked at your build and saw that you have no kind of elemental penetration is that right or am I missing something?
I know the ring makes running lightning pen inefficient but having absolutely no pen is gimping your build so hard.
^^ Have you seen any vaal spark builds with lightning pen because i havent. The optimal gems in vaal spark seem to be what the op is running. Personally i am contemplating seeing if i can run without warlords though and cast ele weakness with herald of thunder.
any advice/guide to run as semi mf for this build ? like 300iir ?
Don't need more damage I only need the vaal sparks to hit the enemy.

Uhm no since I haven't tried MF out myself. If you run dried lake I don't think you'll need inc duration so you could swap that out for item quant or rarity I guess.
Sorry for bothering you again, but im asking about warlords mark now. I just got my 6link shavs (300 fuses hah) and finally got life leech linked in. How important is the 3 endurance charges really? Im thinking of dropping warlords mark and doedres damning and buying rare diamond ring and craft %es to it, to get a lot more ES, while also getting rest of the STR im currently missing.

Thanks for quick replies btw.

///// edit: I kinda answered my own question now. With vessel of vinktar, I have 0 mana problems w/o warlords mark so i'll just roll with this.
Got my enlighten to lv3 now too, changed my innervate for discipline (rip onslaught). Got 7.2k es with it now and enough mana to cast arc too. probs could even drop mana flask but i'll just keep it for now
Last edited by Sneakur on Jan 2, 2016, 6:23:01 PM
You're not bothering me, ask away.
Could you tell me if you've noticed a difference in tha mount of damage you take with vessel of vinktar? Seems like a really good flask for this build.
it is super op flask. as long as you don't get oneshotted, you're basically immortal. You simply cannot die with the leech it provides. And if the shock really makes you nervous, I'd suggest rolling a shock immunity to one of ur flasks to get rid of it. It will also remove the shock effect from the flask but that doesn't really matter because you're shocking the mobs anyways with ur spells.
Last edited by Sneakur on Jan 2, 2016, 7:20:22 PM
Good to know, i'll try it out once it goes down in price
Nvm missed assassin's mark setup.
ProbablyGettingNerfed - L100 Occultist
Vinktarded - L100 Pathfinder
GoogleDiversityHire - L100 Necromancer

3.13 was the pinnacle of PoE. IVYS+1 Gang 4 Life.
Last edited by TheAshmaker on Jan 6, 2016, 8:45:44 AM
Not sure I agree with with Increased Duration in your Vaal Spark setup. It only increased the duration of the sparks on the ground not the amount of time it sends out the sparks. Think you would be better off with Increased Critical Strike Chance.

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