Why Alt F4 / Portal out?

Again, I am asking the question...why do so called "hardcore streamers" wuss out and Alt-F4 out when the going gets tough? I just watched a streamer with several hundred people watching Alt-F4 out because it got too tough(I won't name the streamer, but hes one of the bigger PoE streamers with build guides on the site, etc)...

I don't get it. Why are you playing hardcore if you are going to Alt-F4 out if you feel you'll lose your character? Go play softcore if you are afraid.

Is it that all that hardcore boils down to is how quickly you can Alt-F4 when you are about to die? Is that what it takes to go far in HC?

I know GGG supports this, but I find these guys so hypocritical.

Id love for GGG to some how mitigate the use of portaling and Alt-F4, especially during boss fights. Its so cheap.
Last edited by cesmode on Sep 9, 2015, 8:47:29 AM
Inb4 "Git gud scrub" comments.
They really need to remove alt f4 from the game and implement a short 2, 3 second delay where you cant log out so people dont abuse this bad mechanic.

GGG or better said chris posted a very bad post some time ago that he played like that diablo 2 and think its normal (good thing he didnt played with bots or RMT, now those two things would be in game also, but than again I have nothing against RMT perse).

But with removal of desync this should also be removed as there is no good reason for it to be in game anymore ( it should work the same way what they did when there was the last cut throat league).
Last edited by miljan on Sep 9, 2015, 8:55:40 AM
When I play, I play hardcore and only use alt-f4 for desync. And I have died after using alt-f4 during desync btw, so it is not instant.

I haven't played since the new changes to "remove desync" but as long as desync exists, When I do play,I will always use alt-f4 when i get desyncd in a bad way.

Desync is basically why i quit btw, especially after dying during desync, even though I used alt-f4 to escape
Last edited by Khoranth on Sep 9, 2015, 9:20:07 AM
miljan wrote:
They really need to remove alt f4 from the game and implement a short 2, 3 second delay where you cant log out so people dont abuse this bad mechanic.

GGG or better said chris posted a very bad post some time ago that he played like that diablo 2 and think its normal (good thing he didnt played with bots or RMT, now those two things would be in game also, but than again I have nothing against RMT perse).

But with removal of desync this should also be removed as there is no good reason for it to be in game anymore ( it should work the same way what they did when there was the last cut throat league).

dear noob there already is a delay SOMETIMES, i died with close to 100% HP several times and got away with 1% HP a few times as well

and please specify what your highest hardcore level is, are u guys who dont even play hc but feel like complaining about something? have u ever gotten passed lvl 90?? come on let's see who's whining here
1235 wrote:
miljan wrote:
They really need to remove alt f4 from the game and implement a short 2, 3 second delay where you cant log out so people dont abuse this bad mechanic.

GGG or better said chris posted a very bad post some time ago that he played like that diablo 2 and think its normal (good thing he didnt played with bots or RMT, now those two things would be in game also, but than again I have nothing against RMT perse).

But with removal of desync this should also be removed as there is no good reason for it to be in game anymore ( it should work the same way what they did when there was the last cut throat league).

dear noob there already is a delay SOMETIMES, i died with close to 100% HP several times and got away with 1% HP a few times as well

and please specify what your highest hardcore level is, are u guys who dont even play hc but feel like complaining about something? have u ever gotten passed lvl 90?? come on let's see who's whining here

Listen to me fanboy, you should stop defending bad mechanics in game, and call other people noobs because they want that shit to be fixed.

Dont care how many timew you cheated with using alt f4 and how much HP you have left, this should be fixed. And you should die if you dont know to play and got yourself in a bad situation from witch you cant get out.

Its really funny what shit people will defend. Unfortunately nothing new.
Last edited by miljan on Sep 9, 2015, 9:39:20 AM
Say they remove it. Can't you just play in a window and "X" out?
1235 wrote:
miljan wrote:
They really need to remove alt f4 from the game and implement a short 2, 3 second delay where you cant log out so people dont abuse this bad mechanic.

GGG or better said chris posted a very bad post some time ago that he played like that diablo 2 and think its normal (good thing he didnt played with bots or RMT, now those two things would be in game also, but than again I have nothing against RMT perse).

But with removal of desync this should also be removed as there is no good reason for it to be in game anymore ( it should work the same way what they did when there was the last cut throat league).

dear noob there already is a delay SOMETIMES, i died with close to 100% HP several times and got away with 1% HP a few times as well

and please specify what your highest hardcore level is, are u guys who dont even play hc but feel like complaining about something? have u ever gotten passed lvl 90?? come on let's see who's whining here

Whether or not Im telling the truth, I could tell you my highest HC char made it to ... lets pick a number, 95...but you won't believe me and I could simply say I deleted the char so its no longer visible in my profile.


Sure, a delay with Alt-F4...so what. That is a useless argument. The fact of the matter is, people claiming to be bada$$ hardcores Alt-F4 when they see their character struggling to stay up, running for their lives, and they'll alt-f4 or portal out to save their skin. Thats not hardcore. Alt-F4 is an OS command, not a POE game mechanic...Alt F4 was not coded into the malachai fight, for example. Its an OS thing, so stop pretending that its part of the game and is a mechanic, when it isnt.

Portaling IS part of the game, but again...same freaking thing here. You can drop a portal pretty quickly, hit it, and heal up to 100% with all flasks at 100%...go back in and do your thing, rinse and repeat. Yah, sure you need to get to your portal to do it which takes some amount of situational awareness, but the fact that GGG allows you to do this in the first place in a HC league is mind boggling. They could simply dis-allow dropping a portal in a major bosses room (Kaom, piety, etc).

So again, I could tell you my highest hardcore character was 95, or was 75, or 55. Even if it was 55 was my highest HC character...he/she died due to lack of gear/situational awareness/I was not ready and I accept it. I would think that anyone who dies to HC mechanics without portaling or Alt-F4 is more "hardcore" than anyone else that does, regardless of how long you have played this game...
kkjhhbeb wrote:
Say they remove it. Can't you just play in a window and "X" out?

Good point, and maybe. Sure.

Im sure somewheres in the code of the game, like other games, the character could still exist for several seconds before fully exiting out to prevent abuse.

Even if they are unable to combat your particular scenario, GGG shows no intention of even trying to address this.
kkjhhbeb wrote:
Say they remove it. Can't you just play in a window and "X" out?

You can press X, and you can still terminate the game with atl + f4, but the thing you cant do is get you character out of the instance the moment you quit the game, as he will be there for several seconds no matter do you exit the game with alt f4, preesing X or not, as this is always online game, and is running on GGG servers.

I will repeat, this is already in the game, and GGG used that mechanic for the cut throat league.
Last edited by miljan on Sep 9, 2015, 10:10:42 AM

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