How have Zana/cart boxes changed map pool sustainability?

Mapping looks a lot more fulfilling with Zana and the cart boxes (I know they've been nerfed??). Is anyone still complaining about having enough (higher level) map availability?
Last edited by simballine on Sep 10, 2014, 4:36:23 PM
Can't speak for anyone else but I'm sure having trouble sustaining a pool of 74+ maps in the new league.
My map pool of 72+ keeps going up, never goes down. So id say its way easier to sustain mid-end maps. No idea bout end-end maps.
NagiSoi wrote:
My map pool of 72+ keeps going up, never goes down. So id say its way easier to sustain mid-end maps. No idea bout end-end maps.

That was already the case before boxes/masters were introduced.
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Well, if you do Daily rotations(Which is sort of meh for the solo player), then you basically get 6 free 71-75 maps if you all have a level 6 Zana. So there's that for sustainability. Of course that being said, there's a very high chance that some of those maps are maps that no sane human being would ever run, like Fracture Witches, which is just unplayable due to the number of disconnects. So realistically it's a bit less than 6 free maps, but still a significant amount, especially if you only have time to log on for a couple hours a day, then that's almost your entire day of mapping right there.

I am actually curious about what level maps you tend to get with a level 7 and 8 Zana Daily. Level 8's probably unattainable, but I can see myself getting to level 7 sometime later this month.

Also did a level 8 Haku Daily with someone the other day, and it was a level 73 zone, so if you ever do manage to get all your Masters to 8(Only really relevant to Standard players), then, even though they're small zones, you still get a fair number of mid-level pseudo-maps in the form of the other dailies. Catarina's dailies are about as big as a modest map, so that seems like a good candidate for such a thing.
Last edited by Shotgun_Surgeon on Sep 10, 2014, 9:05:51 PM
Well, if you do Daily rotations(Which is sort of meh for the solo player), then you basically get 6 free 71-75 maps if you all have a level 6 Zana.

Depends where you're at - in SC we will just hop out immediately upon quest completion even in a 75+ zone. Any map drops are incidental. Actually I've also never seen a 75 except from level 7 Zana, either, and I've run a full group every day plus random invites here and there.
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Just brought Zana in a couple days ago so not much to report there. I'm level 84 and haven't seen a single carto this league and I run maps steady. That is extremely disapointing, however my map pool today went up by a few chaos so I guess that's good. Currently running 71-74 maps.
i have even no idea how get high lvl maps im siting here with 67-68lvl most maps i have 2 maps 71lvl..never gotten 72+lvl maps NEVER i never have seen carto box in map so yes either you buy these maps or pray rng...
It is way easier now, maybe too easy even, last league i really played was onslaught i think and it was way harder to get maps. I map solo from the bottom of map pool and so far got 10x 77-78 maps. Still trying to burn 75's before starting 76's which i have like 15 aswel. I just run them blue, not chiseled, i did few 90% quantity chiseled precincts at some point, but thats it. Zana in 75-76 maps often give free 76-77 map, also carto boxes feels like cheating, it takes around 20 chaos each, but u can get so many good maps out of it you can regain that currency by running mirrored maps or just rolling blue map with pack size or so.
molis wrote:
It is way easier now, maybe too easy even, last league i really played was onslaught i think and it was way harder to get maps. I map solo from the bottom of map pool and so far got 10x 77-78 maps. Still trying to burn 75's before starting 76's which i have like 15 aswel. I just run them blue, not chiseled, i did few 90% quantity chiseled precincts at some point, but thats it. Zana in 75-76 maps often give free 76-77 map, also carto boxes feels like cheating, it takes around 20 chaos each, but u can get so many good maps out of it you can regain that currency by running mirrored maps or just rolling blue map with pack size or so.

easier my a$$ it arent any easier i have did many maps and gotten only to 71lvl map drop no more
Last edited by Gopstop22 on Sep 11, 2014, 2:30:54 AM

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