3.24.2 Hotfix 5

Raycheetah wrote:
Demental wrote:
It is quite something to see so many newer players, or players with very little play time and zero supporter packs advocate for the banning of other players.

Fine. I'll advocate for banning those who used or benefited from exploits. =9[.]9=

I second this. What the fuck kind of community is this that we should tolerate cheaters? Excuse me?
Last edited by baholete on May 6, 2024, 5:33:48 AM
baholete wrote:
Raycheetah wrote:
Demental wrote:
It is quite something to see so many newer players, or players with very little play time and zero supporter packs advocate for the banning of other players.

Fine. I'll advocate for banning those who used or benefited from exploits. =9[.]9=

I second this. What the fuck kind of community is this that we should tolerate cheaters? Excuse me?

I'm not saying you should tolerate anything. This is unfortunately on GGG.

The whole league had 'exploits' that caused monsters to drop numerous items. Let's also not forget that it has been deemed acceptable for fractured + influenced items to exist. They were only possible 5 days in when GGG fixed a bug, so it was obviously not intended. Why did you not complain then?

The only solution is to fix the items if possible. The solution is definitely not to ban people for abusing something that was put into the game. If you advocate for this, you should include every single person who created fractured + influenced items. That would even include Zizaran. Albeit it's not near as strong as the socket bug. But we have to be consistent, don't we?
░▒▓██████▓▓▓▓▓▒▒▒▒▒▒░░░░░▀▄▀ IGN: DEMENTAL ▀▄▀
Last edited by Demental on May 6, 2024, 5:47:18 AM
Oh no, not zizaran. What a joke.
*sips coffee*
-Official Forum Dweller-
-I started the hoho movement-
-Exploit Early - Exploit Often-
-Moderators are absurd and OP-
Last edited by xPiranha on May 6, 2024, 6:45:51 AM

I'm not saying you should tolerate anything. This is unfortunately on GGG.

The whole league had 'exploits' that caused monsters to drop numerous items. Let's also not forget that it has been deemed acceptable for fractured + influenced items to exist. They were only possible 5 days in when GGG fixed a bug, so it was obviously not intended. Why did you not complain then?

The only solution is to fix the items if possible. The solution is definitely not to ban people for abusing something that was put into the game. If you advocate for this, you should include every single person who created fractured + influenced items. That would even include Zizaran. Albeit it's not near as strong as the socket bug. But we have to be consistent, don't we?[/quote]

"here, here"
**** I Started the "HERE HERE" Movement
The items still remain in game and not removed? I should have grabbed and used these, since by the time they are removed the league will be dead anyways....

How can you announce something and it be a week and no action taken to remove them?
Swatz wrote:
The items still remain in game and not removed? I should have grabbed and used these, since by the time they are removed the league will be dead anyways....

How can you announce something and it be a week and no action taken to remove them?

A week?
It's been a couple of days... that happened to be the weekend
imanubcake wrote:
Swatz wrote:
The items still remain in game and not removed? I should have grabbed and used these, since by the time they are removed the league will be dead anyways....

How can you announce something and it be a week and no action taken to remove them?

A week?
It's been a couple of days... that happened to be the weekend

Exploit was there from the league start. Some discords claimed that they used it as far as 2 weeks ago and chinese poe players were aware of it even earlier.
Any news about items?
Can we use this items now? 4 days pass
Have few ideas for builds...
Last edited by Rassomaxa69 on May 6, 2024, 7:55:14 AM
Rassomaxa69 wrote:
Any news about items?
Can we use this items now? 4 days pass
Have few ideas for builds...

do it APAP, it's realy fun, let say, spent 300d for a insane experience.

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