900 maps 1 div

Johny_Snow wrote:
He is probably putting all his atlas points into map sustain like the other people who complain about drops

natural div drops are like barely a thing most of the time though, you absolutely start to see them if you run mechanics and hit the juice but players not juicing should probably see at least some.

I consider it lucky if I get a natural div before 95 lmao
You can count exalt drops as divines too because their drop chance is similar. At least I think it is.
Tobinator wrote:
900 t1 maps ? Bro u got 1k map tiers in challenges that would be like 60 t16s

This, a lot of people just wanted to jump this whine train, even if it was based on…„overstatement” .
Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"

I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like.
It's over 9000!
No one can hear you poop in the forrest.
Other than I don't believe you already did that many map and we can't even see what atlas you have. Rng is a bitch

Last league I took over 372k kills to get my first divine

This league I have 32 raw divine in less than 700k kills. 10 if you don't count the mechanic that gave me a map with 15 and 7 when a friend that invited me in his map when he got it.
Why am I still here

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