Path of Exile: Necropolis Teasers

LMB change is complete bs, i will skip supporter pack this patch i guess
As a console player, the LMB change has no effect on me, so it's pure upside... but for all the PC players, it's a real WTF moment. Now they need an extra gem socket (w/link), AND worse cooldown AND worse mana cost? And the only thing they get in exchange is that they can use it with multiple skills?

Other than creating more true zero button builds, I'm pretty sure most players will hate this change.
thanks for automating my anti3.24hype

what a joke
NO support pack for you this time GGG
Please no LMB change. This is just wrong.
i like divination card changes, its time to farm bosses again.
Last edited by Daiichiki on Mar 18, 2024, 9:46:40 PM
Today's teaser title is so unethically misleading. Should have just read:

"We have taken away the ability to use instant skills on left mouse button and given players a consolation which comes at a cost of a gem slot and longer cool down on skills".

Feels like GGG trying to homogenize the PC consol experience which kinda sucks. Just make controller customization better. There have been occasions where I tried using controller because of RSI but it just feels so bad compared to keyboard.
poe players are so lazy sometimes just use one of the 14 slots and change the keybind, buy a mouse with more buttons, use space to guards/warcry
yah gotta add my voice to the LMB removal. One of my favorite builds ever was mines. I feel like detonate easy bind is kind of... essential. Please consider a different solution. (the gems themselves feel fine, some other kind of console option seems required.)
My hype for a league has never done a 180 faster. This change is complete garbage and to pack such a massive change into such a misleading video title is pretty gross GGG.

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