The Trial of the Ancestors Hideout Competition

The Moon Descends

In a place between here and the stars, where the serene grace and ethereal spirit of the moon become manifest, Arohongui holds dominion over her realm.

Title | The Moon Descends
Hideout Base | Nocturnal Hideout
Category | Natural
God |Arohongui, Daughter of the Moon

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too long, don't read

My thoughts on making this hideout:
Top Area: Here I wanted to recreate realistic moon terrain but the middle big moon was just too good looking to make it a desert. I kept the middle and only done the moon like rock formations on the edges (which was not easy to make good transitions). There is also a door but I really like the wavy pattern on the ground made by "Crypt Tomb 8" in front of it.

Middle Area: Here we have Arohongui's Ancestral Artefacts. There are 8 distinctly cool looking feature objects placed every 45°. I made so many designs for the map device and pillars that I could not choose which one to use, so I used them all. To avoid too much chaos I ordered them neatly as well as placed the crescent moon ornate urns between each of them in a proper manner to evoke a sense of stability, a frame of order to bind the chaotic random objects all together. Putting multiple "Blue Light Beam" aimed at a "Ornate Planter" is a well known trick to make them shine unnaturally white but I have yet to see someone add in another object to make them appear as crescent moons. I tried to follow the motto "Keep It Simple" as much as I could compromise with consistent colors, shapes and material. Always some moon or stars design woven in everything. Also there is a giant turtle looking through the wall with a blue crystal shell and you can craft at it.

Bottom Area: Northern part is inspired by Ikiaho's last moments at a certain lake. We have the primeval pillars surrounding a water feature with Karui themes of creepy glowing eyes and Arohongui cold snow. It also can be interpreted as the glowing eyes in the darkness are stars surrounding the pale white lake which resembles a moon.
The transition bridges with dark metal tracks pierced by glowing blue stripes was some technique I discovered from my previous hideout.
The next area is influenced by the Arohongui tribe tattoos: bright white/blue markings on dark/black background, It is very rare you can make use of this combination but I think its well done here. The main feature is a curve made out of crescent moons and pale shimmering orbs on the ground. The walls and edges are neatly marked with bright glowing patterns which flow into the unlit dark surrounding. Another small feature are the two wavelike spirals with interesting crystal designs, again the small stars and big moon in the black void theme represented. Also two turtles with green glowing shells are placed here. All in all this area is rather busy with many details fighting each other for attention but the overall curves and patterns gently contain the chaos and make it appear more orderly.
Kaoms dream ~ made by me
Kaoms nightmare if you are the trader

Hideout name: Moon Temple
Karui God: Arohongui, Daughter of the Moon
Category: Premium

Theme: A Temple built to the daughter of the moon.


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nice hideouts!
"Ambition's End"

Category: Natural
Inspiration: Kitava, Father of Chaos

Consider reading a short story accompanying this hideout before you check it out:

"Arapeta's Tale"


The Karui elder smiles with his eyes at the little girl sitting in front of him. With her eyes bright with moonlight, her face dancing with the light from the bonfire, she looks up at him with anticipation. He begins.


THE TALE (told with the rich, quavering voice of the Karui elder)


Arapeta was always destined for something more. To follow in his father's footsteps wasn't enough for him. He wanted more than the simple life of his people. He wanted power. He would give anything, do anything, to have it, to wield it. He wanted fame and riches. More. The Gods weren't real, he told himself.

However, the traveling merchant - his face in shadow - his eyes glowing red with the light of the fire - told tales of treasures, and wonders, beyond the islands. Arapeta was transfixed with his eyes, like rubies, and his wares, his stories, but even more with what they suggested. Gold and gems and ancient baubles - these were real. They called to him. 'Out there' called to him.

Or was it something more?

Arapeta left his homeland scarcely more than a boy. Against all odds, he survived. But Arapeta's hunger to advance was incessant, always growing, burning - his apetite insatiable. He grew, almost as quickly as his designs and desires.


This was his way. Riches, power, influence - always doubling, but never enough. Arapeta grew his fortune. More, more, and more still, he schemed and scraped his way to success.


Success? Why did he feel more empty with every passing day?

The fortress was purchased from a hooded, haunting figure in the dark of night. The transaction was unnerving. Were his eyes glowing? No, Arapeta assured himself - just a trick of the light from the lantern.

Desperation drove Arapeta now. The emptiness inside crawled and creeped. With his confidence faltering, Arapeta commissioned the remodeling of his new abode, furnishing the cold empty corridors with the rich, deep hues and Karui designs of his homeland, reminding him of home and family. He missed them now. Why had he left them?


Every night, as Arapeta lie awake, unable to sleep, the signs became more clear. A creaking door. A shadow flitting past, always just out of view. A chilling presence. The stench of rot.

Arapet's destiny clicked into place with an almost audible chime. You see, all along, Arapeta's plan was never never really his own. Something more brought him here, bought him, here.

When, finally, Arapeta stared into the glowing red eyes floating above his sweat-soaked sheets - the hooded, haunting presence in the dark of 'this' night looming over him - he finally understood. He was wrong - so very wrong all these years.

The Gods are real.

The Father of Chaos, Kitava the Insatiable, is real.

FADE TO BLACK, with the vampire's low, guttural laugh


With eyebrows raised, the elder looks down upon the little girl, her eyes so large that they seem to swallow her face. She sits in front of him, ever so still, and clearly frightened. He crinkles his nose at her, patting her head.

Did you learn something from this tale? You see, Arapeta was not a believer and this left him vulnerable to Kitava's touch. Remember, love, the Gods are real and are to be respected , even Kitava........and nothing is more important than family. Run along now little one. No more scary stories tonight else you may not sleep.

The little girl smiles up at the elder, but her smile doesn't reach her eyes. She stands and begins to run to bed. But, as she leaves the light and heat of the fire, she runs faster.


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Hideout Showcase (with hideout file for download):'s%20End

Good luck to all!
Last edited by keldemahll on Oct 5, 2023, 7:15:52 PM
Title | Hinekora's Habitat
Hideout Base | Celestial Nebula
Category | Natural
God | Hinekora, Mother of Death

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Hideout Showcase:'s%20Habitat
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Last edited by jaka1988 on Oct 4, 2023, 9:18:02 AM
Last edited by tronex on Oct 4, 2023, 9:29:46 AM
Akoya's Proving Ground
Unearth Hideout
Category: Natural
God: Tukohama


Ngamahu's Wake
Desert Hideout
Category: Natural
God: Ngamahu


Last edited by ajaarrkkss on Oct 5, 2023, 8:13:32 PM
Sacred Shrine
category: Natural
theme: Tasalio + Arohongui

more pics

Last edited by Susihukka5 on Jan 19, 2024, 4:24:01 PM
Title | mors tua, vita mea
Hideout Base | coastal hideout
Category | MTX
God | Kitava, Father of Chaos


Last edited by blueisheyes on Oct 4, 2023, 1:15:58 PM

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