3.22 Performance

malignitass wrote:
Demento0r wrote:
For me it is CPU load. I am playing PoE for a long time now, but loading into maps and the first 10 seconds afterwards PoE has 80%+ CPU Usage. Never experienced that high load on CPU before 3.22.

the loadingtimes in general are skyrocket and random latency spikes makes it unplayable.

Same here, CPU usage goes crazy any time I load into a town, go into a new campaign zone, go into a map or come back from a map to my hideout. My PC's fans go fucking crazy whenever I'm in town, I'd love to be able to disable mtx on other players or just play in empty towns/login to hideout. Rogue Harbor is actually unplayable for me lol. Also loading times are the same as ever and take foreeeeveerrr, no idea why they lied to us when they said its fixed, it is not. Running this game on an ssd. Its insane to me that people have to fiddle with the power settings of their computer just to make this game run like it did before this "performance upgrade". When will GGG fix this game? On the next leaguelaunch hopefully?

I literally only got to lvl70 in campaign in the current event and can't enjoy kalandra or sentinel, my 2 favorite leagues because the game runs like complete ass(also the 5x exp penalty is pointless and annoying but lets not even talk about that).
Last edited by Toforto on Nov 12, 2023, 8:30:01 AM
Game still unplayable? Man, they really did a thing this league, huh? Or rather the particle upgrade.

Coming back here every other week to check if something has changed, and they've done literally nothing to fix it. lol

Can't wait for the next lea...ah wait, I can't play the game. Nevermind!
The best league would be to return Crucible before 3.21.2. I don't even want new content, just fix the game.
"End of March makes 3 months and 21 days which is almost 4 months and not 3 1/2, get your math right hoho."
Last edited by Dxt44 on Nov 12, 2023, 12:03:55 PM
the only thing i noticed is longer loading times (like double the time it used to take to load an area).

(ryzen9 5900x, rtx3080 ti and 3 monitors (3840*1600 and 2 1920*1200, standard ssd)
age and treachery will triumph over youth and skill!
vio wrote:
the only thing i noticed is longer loading times (like double the time it used to take to load an area).

(ryzen9 5900x, rtx3080 ti and 3 monitors (3840*1600 and 2 1920*1200, standard ssd)

you've got a real good conf, rtx should not be need to play an hack & slash game.

And loading time can be a torture, i've put no decoration in my ho just to gain some loading time ^^

Same problem as others for me, i've never understood why focussing on give a better look to the game. If we want beautiful graphics we would play an other type of game, hack & slash have always been less shiny & pretty than immersion games, like Ark was some years ago.

At least they could save this shit for poe 2 ( and we could chose not to go on if our computer doesn't have the hardware requirements ) or let us downgrade quality more than that. Many people spoke about particles update, why update a thing which previously worked ? if that's for graphical improvement i really don't understand.

For instance i'm astonished that we can't turn of shadows. That's a big gpu loss and yeah that's nice and feal more real for good computers but those who play the game on average ones should have the right to drop theses graphical options when the game start to be laggy ( on juicy map for instance ). That's only an example but
With DX11 and dynamic resolution, I got it to not freeze, which is good.
Half the time I'm basically playing Path of Exile: Wolfenstein 3D edition, which is not good... but it's better than nothing.
Last edited by GregoryAdams on Nov 16, 2023, 8:11:40 AM
I noticed that the lag also affected the sound, so I figured what if the problem is actually caused by the sound, and the rendering stutter is just a byproduct?
I found a few posts about turning off sound completely, and then selectively in the settings affecting performance.

So I went to production_Config.ini under C:\Users\username\Documents\My Games\Path of Exile and set ambient_sound_volume2=false.

This has improved the situation dramatically. Almost no stutter at all.
I'll post an update if this turns out to have been just another fluke.
Last edited by GregoryAdams on Nov 17, 2023, 5:13:19 AM
Natchoum wrote:

For instance i'm astonished that we can't turn of shadows. That's a big gpu loss and yeah that's nice and feal more real for good computers but those who play the game on average ones should have the right to drop theses graphical options when the game start to be laggy

ggg once had the idea of players being able to hide in the shadows of objects from monsters to not aggro them.

of course this was at a time players actually fought scary poe monsters (f.e. perpetus in sarn city) and didn't permanently hold the move key while klicking the attack skill from time to time to clear the screen.

i think ggg never really let go of that idea.
age and treachery will triumph over youth and skill!
Last edited by vio on Nov 17, 2023, 9:17:34 AM
Just in case it helps someone: The solution to the problem I was experiencing was to disable the NVIDIA High Definition Audio and the NVIDIA Virtual Audio Device (Wave Extensible) (WDM) in the Device Manager, and then just use the standard audio jack of my PC instead of the one in my monitor.

Edit 2023/11/20: I've been testing this for about a day, I still set some of the sound options I didn't care about to false, and it's kinda OK-ish. There's still some stutter and occasional freezing, but way less than before.

Also, in the NVIDIA Control Panel, in the "Adjust image settings with preview" menu, it looks like the option "Let the 3D application decide" should be selected. I suspect that when that's not the case, it's trying to override some of the settings set by the game client.
Last edited by GregoryAdams on Nov 19, 2023, 7:51:59 PM
As of the most recent "performance patch" in Ancestor league, on my F1 graph my shader bar is maxed out for multiple seconds every single time I zone, and load screens have become ridiculously long (15-30s per screen). I have an i7 10700k and an RTX 3060 ti and my SSD is an NVMe M.2 drive. I have tried all of the shader cache clearing tips with no positive impact on performance, including clearing both Path of Exile's and NVIDIA's separate shader caches.

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