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3.21.1 Patch Notes

Could ya'll tune the totem crucible node so it doesn't force the people that are abusing it to not have fun by following cookie cutter metagoblin bs :P
That's a lot of bug fixes. Nice.
The "Defeat 100 Rare Crucible Monsters" and "Defeat 50 Unique Crucible Monsters" conditions for the Towering Titans challenge no long require the Forge of the Titans area to be level 84. The other two conditions for this challenge still require an area level of 84.
Updated the Ever-Extending Evolution challenge to have "Crucible Passive Skill Tree with at least 11 Skills" as an outcome that awards credit (previously 13 skills).
The Ever-Extending Evolution challenge now considers a Crucible Passive Skill Tree to be "fully allocated" if the allocation path reaches an end.

The "Defeat 100 Rare Crucible Monsters" and "Defeat 50 Unique Crucible Monsters" conditions for the Towering Titans challenge no long require the Forge of the Titans area to be level 84. The other two conditions for this challenge still require an area level of 84.

Very nice... NOT. LOL. Why even do challenges if you get them for free after 1 month.
Last edited by ExitBag on May 3, 2023, 7:39:07 PM
Skydogg5555 wrote:

what? why? where does it say that?
Did you guys fix the blight pump crash yet?...
Skydogg5555 wrote:

what? why? where does it say that?
just some reddit guy hoping to get reactions
Ditt j*vla flöte Danne!!

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