Yesterday, we shared our plans regarding upcoming changes to Jewels which prompted some questions. In today's post, we've collected some of these questions and their answers.

Can you give us some examples of the numbers on the ailment mitigation modifiers on Jewels?

Will the new Jewel modifiers or existing Jewel modifiers have modifier tiers?

Are you removing any corrupted implicit modifiers on Jewels?

Is the corrupted mod pool getting a weighting change?

Which unique jewels are being removed?

Isn't diluting the mod pool a nerf?

Which of the removed unique Jewels from quest rewards are going into the global drop pool?

Are the Divination Cards that grant unique Jewels changing?

Are unique Jewels that are already rare, like Unnatural Instinct, going to be even rarer?

Will Jewels that are being removed still have Replica versions from Heist?

What's happening to these Jewels?

Are Primordial Jewels changing?

Are other forms of ailment mitigation being nerfed to offset the buff to Jewels?

It's worth noting that things may change before launch after further testing and feedback.
Posted by 
Grinding Gear Games
Good clarifications. I'm excited for this change, and welcome any efforts to evolve the game in line with the team's vision. #InChrisWeTrust #MakeWraeclastGreatAgain
Last edited by ClumsyParasite on Nov 15, 2022, 2:49:21 PM
Conqueror's Efficiency: its mana reservation stat has been moved to the regular Jewel mod pool.

Holy MOLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Last edited by ABVT on Nov 15, 2022, 2:53:30 PM
RIP Wardloop
ok 1/5 of the manifestos do not contain nerfs.

let's see what 2/5 brings :)
Survival Instincts?
RIP Conqueror's Efficiency and Replica Conqueror's Efficiency
RIP Survival Secrets (Wardloop)

You will be missed.

Last edited by Razzenit on Nov 15, 2022, 6:24:51 PM
You realize Survival Secrets is pretty much necessary for wardloop to function, right? That's the definition of build-enabling. That build can't give up a slot to "another unique item" either, it has to be a jewel.

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