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PLease let the Archnemesis topic be about the actual gameplay vs te archnem mobs and not about the changes to the loot that archem brought in 3.19.

I dont care about the loot drop frequency. I care about not getting a frown on my face every other area/map because of some archem mob that just disrupts all other parts of gameplay.

Thank you!
Auto Level Up gems WHEN?!
little advice

1- leave jewels and curses for now , i bet you will only do more damage to the game with what ever change you are planning

2- Arch nemeses , dam man , you just like more drama and pain dont you .retire them for a league till you can figure out a way to make them work properly , like make them a couple of mini boss in each map

3- Eldritch Altar Revamp , dnt know what is the plan but it doesnt really matter much at this point.

4-Ailment Mitigation , not a hot topioc at this point unless you wana force some wierd changes i wouldnt touch it if i were you.

Now things you need to adress this league 3.20

1- loot, huge changes must be done at least revert 3.19 changes till you figure out a good way to do it

2- charachter progression and aquiring gear while leveling.

3- crafting ? huge question mark here. divine vs exalt , you removed a huge spirit from the game and a fundemental pillar like it was nothing for the last 10 years ....................

4- new skills new support gems ?

5- Mele changes ?

6-random monsters power spikes while mapping and weird one shots every where

7- defence mechanicns improvments.

8- the trade system revamp ??????? why all this hold back on trade system ?

9- what are the new quality of life changes comming in 3.20 ?

lot more things the community need and want , but hey where are you GGG ?

TwixBar wrote:
Auto Level Up gems WHEN?!

but you don't want every gem to level up?
Hoping Ruthless releases with 3.2 <3
We tested it extensively
My predictions:

Jewels and Ailment Mitigation :
Ailment mitigation is being added to jewel vaal implicits or explicit mod pools. Heavily nerfing builds that hyper scale damage with jewel sockets. LOOKING DIRECTLY AT YOU NEW ABYSS JEWEL STACKING MINIONS BUILDS.
- Also bet the freeze/shock pantheons are being changed.

Eldritch Altar Revamp: Bet money this shit is getting absolutely gutted in preparation for the next end game.

Archnemesis: ...#popcorn

Plus potentially a fifth post about other changes if needed at the time:
They have bad news and are lubing us up for it.
For the very first time since 2014 instead of feeling excited about the upcoming expansion I feel anxious and skeptical. Especially knowing that there are people in GGG who think that considering the current state of the game adding 2 negative mods to the voided fun event was going to make it even more fun.
Plus potentially a fifth post about other changes if needed at the time

Trust us it's needed.
Melee should be the first bullet point front and center, and at the end they put more topics if needed, jeeeez
If you TOUCH melee, it better be either REAL BUFFS to melee gems (melee physical damage), or restoration to the primary gem sockets used for the melee builds themselves. The majority of melee REQUIRES the damage taken away by the expedition league support gem changes.

We do NOT run mirror tier items to level up. We do NOT run mirror tier items to clear maps. Go ahead and try to run a map with a ssf pure physical cyclone build and tell me you can do it. You'll find more than pain in these maps. You'll find struggle, disappointment, and an entirely new build.

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