An Overview of Upcoming Changes

...and those that can't drop items

why would that ever be a thing?

We are monitoring the current situation where players feel forced to swap items or hire a magic find culler against specific four-mod Archnemesis monsters. We don't have an immediate solution for this but we are actively looking at it.

Seriously? I mean- recommendations abound - easiest one being that you can even keep and continue balancing AN but drop the loot goblin nonsense. All AN's should be worth killing, not just a scant few - more mods mean more better loot no matter the monster.

YOU ALSO NEED TO LOOK INTO HOW HARD THEY HIT - this has been communicated to over and over again.

We are planning to buff Tainted Currency.

By how much - and make sure when you do tell us, and be specific and try not to pull that relative thing where it can sound big but is nothing but something like 'we buffed it 100%' when that actually means going from 5% to 10%. If it was 50% - put it to something MUCH closer to that or it won't matter.

(the rest after that)

Was going to get tiring quoting everything - I will just say that this reads like you see a subsection of the complaints, and are saying nothing about how you will fix some of them, and for others you are STILL doing that thing were implied fixes sound like you're attempting to fix a different problem ('AN hits to hard? we hear you - we are downing their health a little').

My favorite if "We're making improvements to how Lightning Mirages from the Storm Strider modifier spawn by increasing their cooldown and making them spawn close to the player but not right on top" Get the message already - A) just get rid of them, literally no one but you likes it and B) what you are doing still won't be enough. We don't need unkillable things chasing around so they can shotgun us to death (why do enemies still get shotgun?)

You really do have this addiction to "doesn't actually fix anything" and "won't even be close enough".

Yes, you like to under-do things and then bring them up till complaints fall off just enough - and this has basically been a continuing disaster of greater and greater proportions since 3.12, and now it has bubbled over.

Maybe you need to try a different way.
Last edited by BINARYGOD on Aug 31, 2022, 6:21:30 PM
But hey, you managed to fool 80% of the reddit audience, so congratz on that.

EDIT - also, instead of gutting Harvest slowly - add its most popular crafts to the standard crafting bench and be done with it. Attach them to whichever map, if you still feel the need to handle unlocks that tired way.

A little item editing is fine - just price accordingly.
Last edited by BINARYGOD on Aug 31, 2022, 6:23:09 PM
We are monitoring the current situation where players feel forced to swap items or hire a magic find culler against specific four-mod Archnemesis monsters. We don't have an immediate solution for this

There is an easy solution to this, just delete these stupid loot goblins or just don't make statements of ppl getting 50 divines from loot goblins.
Seriously that comment races with Blizzard's comment on players not having phones and it's outrageous.

-delete harvest, because in this state it's as good as dead

-Ppl want consistent loot not loot goblins. In this state of the game MF cullers are getting all the loot while the rest gets nothing. This kills build diversity even more, although even if you delete loot from the game without MF I will never ever play a bow character, no matter the cost.
Remove AN it is a dead gameplay for players
Thank you :)
It only took nearly 70% of the player base quitting within the first two weeks of the league, but you finally recognize that there is a problem.

Thanks to everyone who voted with their concurrent player count, keep holding out.

Maybe we will get a patch that's more than a 3 or 4 percent increase across the board and instead get something that actually solves the multiple issues the majority of the players have with the game.

PS, thanks for the spark fix, having half of my sparks not cast was extremely annoying.
No comments obut harvest? GGG it's - gg... No crafts = no improvements = drop league faster. MUCH more faster =\
We are monitoring the current situation where players feel forced to swap items or hire a magic find culler against specific four-mod Archnemesis monsters. We don't have an immediate solution for this but we are actively looking at it.

Hello GGG,

I hope you are doing well. I am enjoying the league alot as a normal player. Because of Lost Ark I basically havent seen PoE for the last 3 leagues so there are tons of new things to explore for me and enjoy.

I don't have much to add that you guys arent already aware of. But I do really want to go out of my usual way and post here just to say that I really hope you guys can find a way to fix the issue with Magic Find on gear just so you can get bigger loot...

That type of gameplay is feels absolutely horrible, I never did it in the past and I never will in the future. I hope however you can find a way to balance that droprate without needing magic find gear etc. Maybe boost other stuff that increases rarity and or quantity instead but please not on gear.

Hope you have a nice day.
Last edited by marfjuhhh on Aug 31, 2022, 1:12:52 PM
I have "unaffected by curses", shock immunity, ignite immunity and a list of other defenses.
I'm definitely taking more damage when I'm shocked despite having immunity, and taking more damage while cursed despite being "unaffected by curses".
think monsters are ignoring are defenses.
Idk how it's being calculated but I imagine a mod block should be in order, a quick set of checks so everything's not continuously checking.
I imagine that's one of the many reasons for uber lag during some insane monster encounters.
Something needs cleaned up and rare monsters need to be appropriately buffed, they're usually stronger than unique and pinnacle bosses.
110k+ for effective max hit taken for every source excluding chaos (CI) taken from pinnacle bosses and getting 1 shot from lvl 80 rare monsters.
Have HUGE mitigation for literally everything, I'm zdps because of it and yeah. Bosses should be harder than rare monsters.
Nice news. But loot is fine, no need to touch it, except maybe for goblin AN's.

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