Tool-assisted Pantheon Mod Farming

why you are not mentioning harvest changes?

why you are not mentioning divine x exalt change, which is nonsense, because u dont have cards for divines in amount of exalts etc... which is killing SSF?

why you dont talk about your build diversity where 52% of players playing 5 skill gems in game where u have (?)100+ gems LOL!


Last edited by AwesomeZerain on Aug 27, 2022, 6:33:24 AM
Good job :) GGG ( about main topic, not coment above ).
Death is only the beginning..

\\ Only HC Ruthless mode player. //
Last edited by AlonelnTheDarkness on Aug 27, 2022, 7:42:20 AM
instead of writing another useless essay you can revert current dead harvest to the 3.18 harvest

it's of course if you want to achieve anything positive...
Delete the archnemesis, and nobody gonna use third party programms to check it…kinda it is your issue guys, not players
so what about the economy that have been hurt by those players? We dont even know how much they have made from this, and how many "farmed divines" in market currently. well done
Chris - I will be honest - Lake feels like shit. Heist is INFINETLY better. It's faster. You work towards Grand Heists. While you get your teeth kicked in in dif. 10 Lake tile, open the chest and MAYBE get something worth 3-5 chaos. While either picking up scraps on the way the from chests, or getting straight up nothing.
And you you know how many Loot goblins I have found so far? One. ONE. Sure, that thing dropped me both Exalt and Divine. One Exalt. And one divine. Not 50 Chris. Not even 2 of each. (Reminder to de-grade Exalted orbs a step in my filer, since you can buy THIRTEEN OF THEM PER DIVINE FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!!). And that was with 2 Ventor's Gambles and both Bisco's. I am juicing. I am MFing. I use frags, I TRY to get loot and have fun. But how in the fuck, should I do that in a game, there Archnem and 13 Ex per 1 Divine is a thing? Just how?

You guys straight up fully fucked up League with MOST ICONIC CHARACTER IN PATH OF EXILE. Please don't fucking do that, would you?
Why is Chris so obsessed with archnemesis?
Someone said no problem, why hotfix?
Except people are dropping 50 divines from one mob.... So the "inefficiency" you speak of isn't really true. It was by far the most efficient way to make currency

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