Xbox servers are restarting in:
They should be back up in approximately .

3.18.1c Patch Notes

i literally quit the game after this patch,unacceptable...
increased my load times by 100%.....thanks!
Since this patch loading times are twice as long now. That not funny is!
Also noticed a massive loss of performance. pc is literally top of the line, minimal issues prior to this patch. now even just clicking a strongbox causes freeze, more stuttering on juiced maps, etc. its bad please fix!
This patch made load a bit higher and more stuttering. Seems every patch they like to make the game performance worse and worse. And not letting people to disable shadows because game will look bad. Screw you devs...
I bet the game runs flawlessly on the China servers, I mean why would it be good for the rest of the world. China is pulling the strings behind many online game developement companies, including this one. China servers are the only ones allowed to be good it seems. They have quite a lot that we do not get to have.
Anyone noticing the pattern yet? You can say I am in an "echo chamber" all you want but many times that's what people say when they refuse the truth. I expect this post to be removed by a "white-knight" moderator before many of you see it, but that would just prove my point...
As always thank you for your time. Be well Exiles.
Last edited by Gandicar on Jun 30, 2022, 6:22:20 PM

We're working on fixes to problems some players are experiencing after this patch - notably the longer loading screens. Any extra details on the sorts of problems you're having, computer specs, and game settings can also help us in figuring out what's gone on. There's a few threads for the same problems in the Bug Reports Forum where gathering this information together assists us. Thanks.
Has any exile really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
Kieren_GGG wrote:

We're working on fixes to problems some players are experiencing after this patch - notably the longer loading screens. Any extra details on the sorts of problems you're having, computer specs, and game settings can also help us in figuring out what's gone on. There's a few threads for the same problems in the Bug Reports Forum where gathering this information together assists us. Thanks.

Awesome, and thank you Kieren and staff -- hopefully this doesn't run into a late Friday for you all. I have updated this bug report encouraging folks to provide the additionally requested debug details.

Is there anything additional I can provide to help with the issue, by way of recording game play, providing concurrent client.txt data, etc?
Yet another unpaid Path of Exile 2 Alpha Tester.
Last edited by TwentyFiveEX on Jun 30, 2022, 7:49:30 PM
Beside the horrible load times I have constant crashes since this patch as well.
Game was running smooth without crashes before this patch.

After completely uninstalling the game (including manually deleting the folder in C:\Users\XXX\AppData\ ) the crashes are gone and the game is running stable again. No changes in the load times though.
Last edited by fae76 on Jul 1, 2022, 2:00:46 PM
I have noticed a dramatic improvement to frame time after disabling windows compressed memory.

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