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3.17.4 Patch Notes

love this game, GG
Is this 5½ GB for everyone else? Curious what else is in there... possibly the 3.18 supporter pack MTX?
Le Toucan Will Return
My game immediately crashes with the new patch? Is anyone else having this issue? I tried uninstalling and re - installing from scratch. I play through Steam
My Stash tab drop down list has been collapsed down very much and is practically unreadable, please revert w/e change that was or give us an option to set the size, this just made navigating thru my stash a god awful nightmare.....

My stash tab quick view is also cut in half. Can't read what the tabs are called anymore. Revert that change please
Also crashing. Game loads black screen with cursor, then after about 10 seconds I get loading cursor followed by game not responding notification. Was working fine this morning prior to patch, never had issue before. Have tried game restart, windows restart and a fresh install, same problem. Using direct log in without steam client

Edit: Appears to be resolved
Last edited by Belegur85 on Apr 20, 2022, 10:53:30 PM
game closed immediately during delve 2 times now
Thanks guys, nice update!

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