3.13 crashing and other bugs

GeForce RTX 2060 on latest driver, although I was crashing on the previous rev, with an SSD and 32 GB of RAM. Started playing 30 minutes ago and have crashed three times. I crashed once an hour last night. I love this league/game and have 300+ hours in general, but this is becoming a real mood killer.
My pc keeps on crashing only when i play poe :(
My game exits out as soon as it loads to the start screen with no error or reason... I've tried reinstalling, I don't know what to do. I guess I can't play? It was working fine last league.
Game still crashing after the patch.
If you're having CTD within 15-20 seconds of launching the game, please attempt to change you in-game language to German via the flag buttons at the top, exit the game before it crashes, and relaunch and try to log in. This has fixed the issue for many of us who have had the issue with no error reported.
I keep on crashing entering a heist contract. Message I get is.....not in sync with server create new instance....but that doesnt help.
So I was able to fix my constant crashes by going to Vulkan from dx11. but maybe it was also not starting in administrator too. I did both and then played for hours. such a new experience after crashing about 200 times leveling. I recommend everyone who crashed tries this. (You can only change from dx11 to Vulkan in menu.
Not only is it crashing for me, but the screen wants to redraw itself a lot when I get to new areas, or when I'm in the tree and I simply come OUT of the tree.

I've lessened the redraw issue by changing back to DX12 - but I surely don't want to stay there.

Just had another crash:

Last edited by Mushuukyou on Jan 19, 2021, 2:00:02 AM
meisei wrote:
So I was able to fix my constant crashes by going to Vulkan from dx11. but maybe it was also not starting in administrator too. I did both and then played for hours. such a new experience after crashing about 200 times leveling. I recommend everyone who crashed tries this. (You can only change from dx11 to Vulkan in menu.

I was crashing while in both Vulcan and DX12. Didn't help me too much.

I have less intensive screen redraws while in DX12, but that's the only benefit.

I'm hoping they'll put out patches soon.
I've finally managed to level and run a dozen or so maps without literally crashing and dying.

What worked for me:
- Disable Vulkan rendering
- Disable Dynamic Resolution
- Disable Dynamic Culling
- All graphics settings on high

E: Wellp, scratch that -- I just crashed, but as my client was restarting I downloaded a patch that aims to have addressed the issue? I still horrified to play, honestly.
Last edited by cultbaus on Jan 19, 2021, 2:44:14 AM

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