CreateShaderResourceViewEx: Wrong Parameter

Also not working on w10 laptop 8 gb RAM
I have the same error with Windows 7 65 Bit, although I was able to play Harvest without any problem: “CreateShaderReourceViewEx: the parameter is incorrect”
AlmightyDrake wrote:

if you actually bothered to look at people in the thread you would notice their real players. this is an issue that's happening to people with a lower end system (like my old laptop) which didn't happen before the patch.

there is no reason to be mean/condescending because people are having issues.

Cool story, now do record it
[Removed by Support]
@tauorigin just because people don't have 40 challenges or does not play challenge leagues (quite a few of the ones I've looked at are standard players) that does not give you the right to call them botters etc.

I could just flip it and call you a no-lifer with nothing better to do than flame people all day when they have some issues.

it's not fair and should be kept off technical support.

people play different hours. I have mates that only play 10-30 hours a league and barely makes it to maps. should i say their shit or accuse them of botting?
copy mine. i already got edited by support so i wont call anyone by his real name. good luck playin you lucky ones!
All bot users who replied in this thread from their main account are reported. Expect investigation soon, if u did bot before.
AlmightyDrake wrote:
@tauorigin just because people don't have 40 challenges or does not play challenge leagues (quite a few of the ones I've looked at are standard players) that does not give you the right to call them botters etc.

I could just flip it and call you a no-lifer with nothing better to do than flame people all day when they have some issues.

it's not fair and should be kept off technical support.

people play different hours. I have mates that only play 10-30 hours a league and barely makes it to maps. should i say their shit or accuse them of botting?

Sure. It's just a COINCIDENCE. That most accounts were registered yesterday.


I forgot to ask you - do I have the right? LoL.

Most of them use banned soft.

If I'm wrong, then prove it!

As I wrote above, do record on camera how you run the game on a NON-virtual machine and show us (and all running processes).

If you want to solve the problem, then help tech support in this way.
[Removed by Support]
Last edited by TauOrigin on Sep 12, 2020, 1:52:31 PM
i wont reply a single post more than this because i have no words other to asnwer than those which will definetely cause ban.

Доброго времени суток! Никогда ничего не писал на форумах (Не заходил на них,не видел смысла). Сейчас я прибухнул) И решился высказать свое мнение. Пожалуй начну. Играть я начал не так давно,недели две назад,как появились новые компы на работе. Дома играть не пробовал т.к ПК мягко говоря юзался еще динозаврами. Все хорошо,рабочий день проходит на ура,как и сюжетка в данной игре(надеюсь я правильно выразился в плане сюжетка) Я наткнулся на статью,о том как можно поиграть на ведре(P.S мой компьютер о котором я написал чуть выше) И чудо,игра запустилась. Как бы Вам так мягко сказать в плане играбельности,я молчу про фризы и т.д. У меня вытикали глаза от того,что я играл на минимальных настройках с разрешением 800Х600 при мониторе который поддерживает фуллхд. Просто при этих настройках можно было бегать по карте,ладно с этим зрением но....

Пришло обновление и что??? Да...Я знаю,что у меня ведро(ну нет у меня возможности купить видюху,у меня относительно не давно родился сын. Я думая Вы догадываетесь куда все деньги уходят) Я хоть как-то играл,а теперь Всем спасибо,Я СВОБОДЕН!
Lol @ all these bots in this thread:

- 0-6 Challenges
- Unascended characters
- Lv 70~ necro bots
- Banned accs
Last edited by X3n_ on Sep 12, 2020, 11:17:41 PM

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