Patch 3.11.1f Deployment and Full Patch Notes

This is excellent newts.
I fixed all my issues by switching to Vulcan in graphics settings instead of directX, and changed the GI quality from ultra to high. Can maintain 60 frames consistently with that.
Nice, the removed the gloom problem so good that they removed half the game
hello my game /This email was generated because of a login attempt from a web or mobile device located at (HK). The login attempt included your correct account name and password.
is that ready for me to login? on top here still say PC server restarting.....
I still don't get GGG's double standard's they don't let you turn off Shadow's or Bloom cause the Game need's it to look like the Dev's intended but you can literally remove all SOUND from the Game isn't that the same thing?
Great news! Thank you guys
stuck at 99.99%, tried download new gppk, server 504 error breaks download. FIX THE FIX!
"Fixed a bug which caused black boxes to sometimes be rendered on top of objects."

I think i saw Jesus... Thank you for this!
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Error: Received HTTP 504 while downloading

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