[3.25] Ice Crash-Jugg-2h-Axe-Crit (FREEZE THE GAME) FUN HERE. 94% Crit Rate.

Hi guys, haven't played several leagues (last was delirium), trying this build. Really struggling with mana recovery, suspect my leech isn't working?

Is there a trick to get leech working with Ice Crash? If so, I'm only lvl48, what's the cheapest way of enabling it?

Thanks in advance for the help.
Beebsman wrote:
Hi guys, haven't played several leagues (last was delirium), trying this build. Really struggling with mana recovery, suspect my leech isn't working?

Is there a trick to get leech working with Ice Crash? If so, I'm only lvl48, what's the cheapest way of enabling it?

Thanks in advance for the help.

There is a life Nd mana leech nodes on the tree you can get. You will need to rely on mana flask until you can get it. There are others ways to get leech but they come later after you've leveed.
Thanks for the reply, I'll have a look for the nodes

Zuuule wrote:

There are others ways to get leech but they come later after you've leveed.

Could you tell me what the other ways are please? So I can be be ready to move on them later?
Beebsman wrote:
Thanks for the reply, I'll have a look for the nodes

Zuuule wrote:

There are others ways to get leech but they come later after you've leveed.

Could you tell me what the other ways are please? So I can be be ready to move on them later?

Easiest would probably be to get a divergent elemental damage support gem. It's quality offers mana leach with elemental damage.
well guys. thank you for guide but i am switchung to paradoxica. have no idea how to survive with 2 hander. want to get 96 lvl somehow
Your Ascendancies.

Regenerate 2% of Life per second
5% reduced Damage taken
Armour received from Body Armour is doubled
1.5% of Total Physical Damage prevented from Hits in the past 10 seconds is Regenerated as Life per second

Every few groups of mob do "Enduring Cry"

30% chance to gain an Endurance Charge when you are Hit
+1 to Maximum Endurance Charges
25% chance that if you would gain Endurance Charges, you instead gain up to maximum Endurance Charges
Gain 1 Endurance Charge every second if you've been Hit Recently

8% reduced Elemental Damage taken while at Maximum Endurance Charges
1% additional Physical Damage Reduction per Endurance Charge
+4% to Chaos Resistance per Endurance Charge

Enduring Cry

Enduring Cry is a warcry skill that taunts enemies in an area around the character, grants a short burst of life regeneration, and grants a number of endurance charges based on the power of nearby enemies. Additionally, the skill also provides a buff that grants additional elemental resistance and physical damage reduction per endurance charge. Unlike most warcry skills, Enduring Cry does not exert your attacks.

Enduring Cry every few groups and you should stay at 100% endurance charges and be nearly undefeatable... also make sure you have a high armor chest and your physical resistance will be thru the roof

Any chance we could get an update from OP? Been a while.
Beebsman wrote:
Any chance we could get an update from OP? Been a while.

Take a look at Barry Boison's PoB he posted a page or so back. I switched to the tree he recommended and gained a ton of life and only lost a little damage.
Ok, had a good couple hours to sit and look at Barry's version. After playing around with the different Cries and understanding these, I'm having a blast!

It's only early days yet, lvl70, but having a blast! Thanks for the build, and the advice.

+1 to build for 3.16.
Beebsman wrote:
Ok, had a good couple hours to sit and look at Barry's version. After playing around with the different Cries and understanding these, I'm having a blast!

It's only early days yet, lvl70, but having a blast! Thanks for the build, and the advice.

+1 to build for 3.16.

Yea, after I switched and invested in a chest with a lot of life on it I ended up with 6.4k life. The only weakness was alment mitigation. I ended up swapping out a couple of the unique flasks with ones for shock and ignite immunity. A lot more survivable now and still have good dps. I got lucky and found a 730 pops ax for only 2.5 ex as well. :)

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