Content Update 3.11.0 -- Path of Exile: Harvest

I don't get it.

Did they buffed or nerfed 2h weapons?

The damage were buffed but the attack speed went down. Exquisite blade was nerfed. Can someone sort tell me the point of it all?
Reminds of me of "Remember the bow season where no one played bows?"

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Last edited by Luke_GGG on Jun 17, 2020, 3:36:08 AM
drvwdoom wrote:
People who say badass didn't read the patchnotes.

The first 2 pages GGG workers use to comment to be positive comments for the league.

And those players who want their be shown first in the comment.

If you want to see the real comments always begin from page 4 upward.

gutting build diversity
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need to give a credit ggg
some serious consistency
dead game
bring back 3.13
Last edited by Luke_GGG on Jun 17, 2020, 3:44:42 AM
"We want to improve two handed melee weapons and playstyle..."
"We buffed base two handed weapons by roughly 15%..."
"We removed flat damage from two handed skills..."
"We nerfed overall unique two handed weapon damage by 1/3.."

"This is a buff"

When was the last "Revamp" patch again that actually improved what they were working on? R.I.P. all the people choosing to league start as two handed melee this league ..... they will be missed.
These changes completely discourage me from playing next league. You did it boyz!
Hello, I got a question about the new stun immunity of bosses (2s for "normal" ones and 4s for endgame bosses, right), does the stun imunity timer starts at the initial stunning hit or does it start as soon the stun wears off ?

tl:dr if you can stun for more than 4s can you hypothetically stunlock the shaper ?

Many balance changes have been made to passive skills granted by Cluster Jewels. This affects all existing Cluster Jewels with these passives automatically. The following notables have been affected: Hex Breaker, Evil Eye, Forbidden Words, Remarkable, Grand Design, Expert Sabotage, Vicious Bite, Holy Conquest, Flexible Sentry, Hulking Corpses, Cold-Blooded Killer, Wrapped in Flame, Fire Attunement, Hibernator, Capacitor, Replenishing Presence, Antivenom, Non-flammable, Antifreeze, Insulated, Readiness, Dragon Hunter, Conservation of Energy, Spring Back, Stubborn Student, Liquid Inspiration, Adrenaline, Peace Amidst Chaos, Heraldry, Disciples, Pure Agony, Purposeful Harbinger, Endbringer, Master of Fear, Victim Maker, Circling Oblivion, Wicked Pall, Drive the Destruction, Thaumophage, Numbing Elixir, Spiked Concoction, Sleepless Sentries, Chip Away, Precise Retaliation, Skullbreaker, Precise Commander, Savage Response, Precise Focus, Self-Fulfilling Prophecy, Surprise Sabotage, Mob Mentality, Cry Wolf, Haunting Shout, Lead By Example, Provocateur, Warning Call, Rattling Bellow and others.

Why even bother listing all of them when the list is incomplete anyhow? Why hide the changes? Why change so much stuff? That's so terrible... D:
Last edited by Bababutzemann on Jun 17, 2020, 3:52:28 AM
It looks like I'm being encouraged to play a muscle bound numbskull slowly thumping things with a club. Nothing in these patch notes to interest me sadly.
hardcore casual.

Playing PoE for years and having fun despite GGG.

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