Designing Delirium's Unique Items

WTS Cure for corona - 3x Voices with 3 passive socket.
In order to get rid of clearspeed meta cap global movement speed at 100% but make all skills instant so everything feels great.
Please make bigger contrast content. HDR would be sweet in POE 2, thank you.
sidtherat wrote:
melee chest gives bonuses noone gives a slightest damn about. and this is a 'design'?

endgame chest that is aimed at ONE ascendancy? chest with low life roll and no extra defensive properties (noone cares about AR value on items)? banners are cool et al but.. 26 endgame players use this chest. i bet some to 'test the turd' - as they use sub-par melee skills so it is not about performance in their cases

Voices are simply DUMB. call it whatever you want but this item is DUMB and making up a story around that is just PR damage control

One with Nothing is also pretty DUMB numbers wise. it is STRICTLY better than alternatives. how is that interesting?

other unique jewels see marginal use and in most cases just as a novelty, not because these are actually useful. same with majority of Legion jewel keystones. it takes little time to see what works and what doesnt in POE 2020.

if we are about 'interesting': isnt it DUMB that most TRAP players use BOW as a weapon? just food for thought

btw: melee patch, when? because right now melee is a shit choice, no matter how you spin (lol) it

Saw this message and wanted to take a look at your profile and found out that you are commenting like this (by this I mean shit storming) since 2013. Why play at this point if you are bitching about every single thing? Just asking out of curiosity.
saenimy2 wrote:
sidtherat wrote:
melee chest gives bonuses noone gives a slightest damn about. and this is a 'design'?

endgame chest that is aimed at ONE ascendancy? chest with low life roll and no extra defensive properties (noone cares about AR value on items)? banners are cool et al but.. 26 endgame players use this chest. i bet some to 'test the turd' - as they use sub-par melee skills so it is not about performance in their cases

Voices are simply DUMB. call it whatever you want but this item is DUMB and making up a story around that is just PR damage control

One with Nothing is also pretty DUMB numbers wise. it is STRICTLY better than alternatives. how is that interesting?

other unique jewels see marginal use and in most cases just as a novelty, not because these are actually useful. same with majority of Legion jewel keystones. it takes little time to see what works and what doesnt in POE 2020.

if we are about 'interesting': isnt it DUMB that most TRAP players use BOW as a weapon? just food for thought

btw: melee patch, when? because right now melee is a shit choice, no matter how you spin (lol) it

Saw this message and wanted to take a look at your profile and found out that you are commenting like this (by this I mean shit storming) since 2013. Why play at this point if you are bitching about every single thing? Just asking out of curiosity.

i dont care enough to check your posts, sorry

but if you call it 'shit storming' - care to elaborate where Im wrong or where your opinion about these items differ? because this type of personal attack is rather non-constructive
seems like your item designers are just as much out of touch as your league designers.
GGG refuses to buff Melee and gives every surivability tool to Spell/Ranged/Minion Builds because they dont play the game or at least melee themself.
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-The Truth
I love the thought that goes into designing uniques because I'm a loothound. I love collecting the uniques, that's why I bought the uniques tab. The problem I have with uniques is the repeating on the drops. I understand some are boss-only because it gives people something to shoot for. What I don't understand is how can you get so many drops of the same ones when according to the uniques there are over 900 uniques. I know some are fated too so it may not be that many, but to get repeats on this level is puzzling. Right now there's one of all of these in my uniques tab. Some have already been vendored or given away to new players to help them level.
These are some that I kept just to show how I keep getting the same ones. Some say I need to 'git gud'. Some would say I need to roll higher quantity maps. Some would say don't pick them up. I acknowledge that all of you would be right to an extent, but the point is the same ones are still dropping. My point in taking the time to type all of this is maybe something needs to be looked at when it determines what uniques drop. If I were a new player and I was getting a lot of uniques that I wanted to keep maybe I would be more likely to buy a uniques tab. As it is now, when you see the same ones drop you just keep going or pick them up and vendor for shards like I do.

I understand RNG, but if the drop rate of a Mirror can be adjusted so can the drop rate of the other ones. I'm not saying this because I want a mirror to drop for me, but just to make another point: I got my first Shavs drop last league. That's over seven years after the introduction. The only game I play is this one. It has kicked my love of FPSs to the curb so it's not like i haven't devoted time to it. I still haven't have a Mjölner drop. It was introduced in the game in version 1.1.2, but the number of Cameria's Maul I dropped is insane.

Maybe there is something wrong the drop rate of all non-gated uniques. I don't know if people feel the same way I do and the only way to find out is share an opinion. This is MY opinion based on years of playing since closed beta. GGG seems to be always trying to improve their game and maybe this needs improving. I'm going to always try to 'git gud'. I'm going to try to always roll and run higher quantity maps and I may never get the drops that I want and I'm fine with that. Again the point of all of this is for GGG: Maybe you need to look at the drop rate of your uniques because it could help you make more money.

Arguing on the Internet: What's the point when you can't punch them in the face when they really piss you off?
Please buff the skill tree, Right now there is no point to regular nodes and all high end meta is buying a well rolled cluster tree and meglo
The problem I have with uniques is the repeating on the drops.
poe uses seeds, the majority of us get put into a random dumpster seed, whether its for drops, delve, temple etc. We're only their to provide a million copies of some random dumpster item that no one wants. For example i was in the glove dumpster seed this season and all i got was 1 alc drops (i am not a streamer).

Log into a new char and i'm in a boot dumpster seed and get 90% 1 alc boot drops etc.

Its not science.
Formally [Removed by Support] as my STANDARD map stash got frakked
Haven't seen or owned any of these.

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