Path of Exile wins BAFTA Award for Evolving Game

Congrats Dave Bros.
Very nice.
Epsynus wrote:
Congratulations! Y'all deserve it, keep up the amazing work. Look forward to seeing what 2020 and beyond has in store!
Epsynus wrote:
Congratulations! Y'all deserve it, keep up the amazing work. Look forward to seeing what 2020 and beyond has in store!
Evolving? Like the trade system?
Sitting in HO spamming alts for 4 hours straight is peak PoE gameplay. Thanks, Chris.
The nominations for most categories were kind of a joke. Which makes it the sweetest that PoE won!
I may not always be satisfied with certain aspects of the game, but PoE definitively deserved this award! Congratulations!
ACGIFT wrote:
I'll actually admit it wouldn't have been my choice in the face of, say, No Man's Sky, (which has really redefined just how much a game can evolve post-release; it went from garbage to astounding) but congrats are in order nonetheless!

I would disagree. Although a huge improvement, in my books it doesn't hold a candle before PoE and also (strangely not mentioned) Warframe. These two games are the pinnacle of games evolving from all I can gather. And they have it harder, because they need to keep innovating on an existing good base.

No Mans Sky to me was more of a "lets fix all the shit that was broken" kind of a situation more. Can't really call that evolving. It was more like finishing its development. Which I also applaud, but its just a different thing.
Ydoum wrote:
Evolving? Like the trade system?

There is always that one person that confuses evolving with shitting on what a game stands for and its core designs to go into another direction, then prances around to pick on said single point to neglect all the other work done.

Kudos, you got the Bafta Award of idiot of the week.

What next? Should they change it to a fps as well so it can be evolving?
Not like there was any competition in this category.
(2-3-2019) Buff underused skills (3.23?!)+ selfcast, stop nerfing defense, build in threshold jewels (3.23?!), implement D3-style looting, add death log + MTX preview, actually rework flasks, stop balancing around the .01%, unnerf Harvest, ADD NEW WAYS TO LEVEL, finally implement Loot 2.0
Well deserved. As someone that spends too much time on video games I don't know any other I keep coming back to in the same regard. A master piece in many regards. Stay safe and keep on trucking.

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