Legion Class Statistics

Slayerrrrrrrrrr \m/
Last edited by Bladecaller on Aug 6, 2021, 1:46:57 PM
when did Occulist get hit with the Nerf Bat? ED is 2nd most popualr after Cyclone but its like 98% Trickster and only 2% Occulist
IGN: DabrixRN
Last edited by Thomasmgp on Jun 24, 2019, 9:20:24 AM
Viktranka wrote:
Thanks for completely ruining Occultist and Elementalist.

Meanwhile trickster still going strong after being no.1 in Synthesis.

Also Scion updates when? All the ascendancies around get reworked, just not the Ascendant itself.

They didn't ruin the Occultist tho, ppl whine too much. Try it out and you will see that its not that bad.
As expected. Yes, the league is great. I mean the legion packs. But changes as far from good. I really don't understand the changes. You have 26 ladders and you see that some are much longer then others. What you guys do, is cut all the longer ladders, and then make the shorter ones longer. But not all, one of two. I don't get it. There are characters that work, people are enjoying it, and you kill them and then make other slightly or massive better. As manny people said m beauty is in diversity. Yesm make the slayer better, but let other be, so we would se much lesser gap between the classes. But breaking one and raising another , i don't consider very wise.
Exile009 wrote:
Sirais01 wrote:
and again these numbers show that ggg has no clue about balancing !!!

Or maybe their meta-shifting is intentional? It sure makes each league feel significantly different, and that helps excite a lot of players (even if it does piss off some others).

An important point. Likely safe to assume that the majority of newer, MTX buying players want something that makes content pretty easy, so...
Well yea it's cool to see that we had a melee meta, but other classes getting to far behind, and the biggest focus to create items are only for melees. Why GGG u make only 1 Meta, where is the problem to get more classes to create or to find a good middle for all classes even to play? The strict meta getting fast bored.
So if gladiator now does speed buffs, what exactly is the point of raider? Elemental damage is too far on the other side of the tree, and gladiator just took unique melee buffs and already had bleeding/blind before. Sure, raider is still faster than other classes, but it doesn't feel like it has an edge in any particular area. I keep trying to do melee raider with sword and shield like in the artwork, but I always get to the 70+ levels feeling like everything my raider can do, gladiator can do better. This feeling is worse since Legion.
xDmacx wrote:
Well yea it's cool to see that we had a melee meta, but other classes getting to far behind, and the biggest focus to create items are only for melees. Why GGG u make only 1 Meta, where is the problem to get more classes to create or to find a good middle for all classes even to play? The strict meta getting fast bored.

Just cos lots of people are playing melee right now - at the beginning of an openly melee focused league, I might add - doesn't mean other things aren't viable. Hell, this league itself is proof of that - pretty much nothing melee compares with how well ED+Contagion or even Ice Nova or Tornado Shot builds clear Legion content. Popular =/= best. Melee feels better now, is fresh for most players who avoided it earlier and just got a bunch of new toys to play with - that doesn't mean it's the only viable, or even the only efficient, way to play the game. Far from it in fact, as Legion itself attests to.
vlkvojak wrote:
So if gladiator now does speed buffs, what exactly is the point of raider? Elemental damage is too far on the other side of the tree, and gladiator just took unique melee buffs and already had bleeding/blind before. Sure, raider is still faster than other classes, but it doesn't feel like it has an edge in any particular area. I keep trying to do melee raider with sword and shield like in the artwork, but I always get to the 70+ levels feeling like everything my raider can do, gladiator can do better. This feeling is worse since Legion.

"what exactly is the point of raider?" - There is none. Raider is one of the few remaining classes that hasn't yet received a rework (along with Assassin and Ascendant). All the others have. Which means she'll likely be getting one in the next major patch or two.
Last edited by Exile009 on Jun 24, 2019, 10:04:46 AM

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