Consistent crashing major issue

Rizzorian wrote:
I have crashed multiple times today and am getting really frustrated with it. It happens completely randomly. I'll crash while mapping, standing in town, or even while in my hideout putting things in my stash. It makes ZERO sense why these major crashing issues have been fixed over the past few monthes. I started at the end of Synthesis, don't recall crashing but a couple of times during the 2weeks I played then, but during Legion, I would crash at least 1-3 times a day. I've just crashed for my 6th time today. Please, please, please, fix these crashing issues. I love the game, but this is really getting out of hand.

Just a note: There are crashes due to the game - This is true. But, there are also crashes and desyncs and kicks that occur due to one's connection. What you can do on your end is to make sure you've got the best internet connection you can get. There's a sticky in the console forum about diagnosing connections issues. Follow that. You can also run some apps to test your path to your local PoE server. There's a list of PoE servers by region and you can run some utilities from a PC/Laptop to check for network issues.

Check your connection from your PC/Console to your Router/Modem, too! Network IP assignment is generally brand specific. ,, etc.. Google the local address if you're unsure.

If all your cabling inside your house is fine and your internal network performance appears good you may need to contact your ISP to see if you have any issues from their box to yours. They might need to fix something on their end or, if they supply your router, it may need to be replaced. (Generally, an ISP router should be of good quality. They don't want to have to send people out every week. But, they obviously see a lot of use, are bought in bulk, and should be updated more often than they actually are. :) )

PS - If you've got five people all streaming their favorite Netflix shows at the same time, eating up much more valuable PoE bandwidth, it may be time to start negotiationg. :)

TLDR: Doing what you can on your end can help a great deal and could even fix your problem. (It did for me, to a large extent, when I first started playing PoE on a console.)

PS - PoE is a hungry game and loves staying in contact with home... IOW, bad connections absolutely kill it, dead. Sometimes, there's just too darn much going on for a console and low connection quality to take.
Hi there,

I got kind of the same issue however I can't even get in the game for some odd reason.

When I try to start my Blight League character I get to loading screen and then it kicks me to main menu. If I try connecting a second time I get kicked to the Xbox Dashboard.

I play on Xbox One X and my OS is 10.0.18362.6065
I was just booted out of game during a metamorphosis fight. This incident occurred outside of Ossuary. This is especially troublesome after dropping
materials for said fight. Bugs of this nature happen during large mob fights. Any solutions? Thank you for your time.
I'm on ps4 yesterday I played for about 4 hrs and crashed about 10 times randomly. The final blue screen was 3/4 of the way through the uber lab. Almost rage uninstalled poe. It's terrible at the moment.
Started playing PoE again the past few days...about 1.5 hours play time, 3 BDODs back to dashboard (PS4 non pro unit).

it's very disappointing that this has:

a) not been fixed

b) gotten worse

c) no response from GGG staff...

I thought Blizzard support was bad, but GGG is starting to take the cake, and in a bad way!
Can say that sounds like a PoS4 exclusive problem as since they implemented the patch that fixed awakener lag and t14+ crusader influence lag, 0 crashes and almost no lag at all amazing job GGG
*eyeroll* another fanboy who thinks developers are gods

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