Developer Q&A - Part II

Can you please make Sulphite per-league rather than per-character?

Surprisingly, this actually became another Yes. Again, we aren't sure which expansion it'll go in, as there are a bunch of things we have to change at the same time to resolve our concerns with Sulphite being shared across all your characters in the league.

OH HELL YES, No more changing to my delver after a map to collect the sulphite. Great change

EDIT: I see a few aren't happy with this change as they are afraid they will lower sulphite amount to compensate, I don't see why they would do this as making it account wide will only save me 1 min each time because i don't have to swap chars to pick it up. If someone has a good reason on why they would nerf it i'd like hear it :-).

Are there any plans to add new slots for the Harbinger currencies that are now part of the core game to the currency tab and/or rearrange it to make crafting easier on the item slot in the middle of the tab?

As those exotic currency items are now given out as rewards in core game content pretty often, we will most likely integrate them into the currency stash tab at some stage. We'll have a look at the layout concerns you mention also, but that might be in a different update to it.

Also another great change but can I add another idea of putting a slot in the fragment tab under splinters or above breachstones to hold blessings please (seems silly they weren't added initially).
Last edited by TJDemigod on May 9, 2019, 7:04:17 AM
With path of exile getting faster and faster, do you feel that a slightly further out zoomed camera could become a thing? (fe. like at the beacon)
"There is internal discussion about opening up the trade API for console realms, to allow support for trade sites that find items in your premium stash tabs"

I don't get this point . Console have its own in-game tradeboard , why don't you just improve it ?
great plans guys, keep it up :)
Yay, whips!!
Ratedetar wrote:
Master content such as Incursion and Betrayal can be distracting and disrupts the flow of just grinding maps. Do you have any plans to change this?

lol for real ?

Incursion is annoying

So are people who get annoyed by trivial things ?
I'd love to see better Linux-Support.
Vulkan should help Wine/Proton already, native would be be really nice though :D
One question I would like an answer to is would ever be able to change our own toons name instead of haven support having to do it?
IGN RighteousRom LvL-100 Juggernaut
Mirror Drop T-14 Shrine
(like infinite Delve, but no promises yet)... I LOVE THIS!!! Is this a promise :)
Q1:" Are you going to create trade system in the game client which will not need any external apps, scripts, forums etc so everything regarding trade would be done in the game?"

The economy of the game is already non existant after a week of a league. It takes 1-2 hours max of chill play to buy t1 uniques like Kaom or Shavs and all of the upper tiers are not needed for 99% of the community. But the trade that we have is a breeding ground for frustration (40% time spent in ho), roaming scammers, price fixers and full blown rmt trade.

Q2:"Do you intend, and how if yes, to tackle the problem of full out negativity in the community towards your trade mechanics?"

Right now party play is awful. You just run at the speed of light while someone clears whole screens with eyebleeding effects and you skip anything resembling normal arpg party play difficult content like bosses.

Q3" Are we ever going to have a proper party play that has content designed for and requiring specific roles, like tanks, cc supports, buff supports, dps etc?"

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