So, I just uninstalled PoE today.

Xystre wrote:
Old league content also doesnt seem fully balanced nor tested, there's things that 1 shot you (which is fine as punishment for not dodging when you ACTUALLY SEE WHATS COMING TO YOU) but when you get 1 shotted randomly by whatever with all the chaos going around and not by a real mechanic in game like bleeds or reflect or whatever is legit, I think this is a design issue.. not sure how you guys managed to deal with some of the syndicate content anyway (I can guess it was with a tankish build?) while I'm a real newbie when it come to this game getting 1 shot without (with high resistances 75+ 90%+) being able to do anything reeks of a design problem, as result I'm basically running for my life every single time I get syndicate ambushes, I value more my experience than some recipes.

This is the reason I quit playing as well.

In betrayal league you could lock them into research and not have to deal with it. Now you have no choice. We told them and told them but they didn't listen. Betrayal went core with the only change being it is no longer consensual. It's a pretty dead league because of it. No one, including yourself, likes to get bent over in a video game with no option of counterplaying the mechanic.
I usually don’t post around these type of threads... But feels like home again. ^.^
"Another... Solwitch thread." AST
Current Games: :::City Skylines:::Elite Dangerous::: Division 2

"...our most seemingly ironclad beliefs about our own agency and conscious experience can be dead wrong." -Adam Bear
GGG didn't give us options how to play this game, that's the reason everyone mad at this season. They should keep the atlas map as main story line and farm line, all the others like betray, synthesis, mine.. to be an options such as Zana map mod let player choice to play. Now, GGG put everything together as a bad cooker, so this season tasted so bad.
I notice for several hours, no streamers on the home page. Joined 5 years ago, the deterioration is real IMO. I'm almost...not quite but almost, at the point of really detesting this game and what it has become. I don't like or play shooters for one thing.

I'll poke around in Standard for an hour or so, then go play games I enjoy and see if this mess changes for the better. I'm not holding my breath.
I agree with a few of your points. Most of my friends list is empty as well.

While I disagree people complaining about storage management purchases being p2w--not saying you are but just a general note--I do agree that when you deliberately add a function to make one semi-useless that it's unfair practice. Namely the map tab issue, because of many people the fact they have to buy ANOTHER map to enjoy the same convenience they already paid for is absurd.

Also extra attention to dps/speed I think has gone too far as well. No-one wants a slow game, but it's so absurd now especially in groups that if you're anything other than moving @ 500000000% speed you will slow people down.

Things like reducing map drops rates to force funnel people into current league mechanics is something else I was not happy with. I think the whole map/atlas needs a rework/freshening up.

A core issue though is how this game for most people still ends up being a solo game or at best 1-2 friends as support. The end game has no act/shared grind like in other ARPGs, because in hardcore unless someone is from your server it's a suicide mission to play with anyone else. There's so many 1 shot mechanic sand buggy mechanics in POE that you can't have huge multiplayer grinds for XP.

The pacing is way off, take baal runs. Yeah, grinding baal over and over but you had 8 people chatting, waiting for TPs, loot, and baal itself helped break up the pacing so people could catch their breath. It felt like I was playing with people rather than SP with chat mode enabled. "Oh you're from Europe?" Nice 500ms, I can't play with you in the meta.

They've done so much right in the past and I love how there are so many mechanics to engage in but this league to me has been the biggest miss in their history. I hope they hit it out of the ballpark next league.
Last edited by poeGT on Apr 7, 2019, 2:43:59 AM
Figured it was worth it to make this my first, and probably only post here, but I'm gonna add to the pile of "Yeah, I'm done".

I started in Breach, played off and on pretty consistently since then as time allowed. Spent some money on a couple tabs, a handful of cosmetics, about $50 total, so basically paid in the range most would for a current AAA game.

Never got into the super endgame content, I was very happy just doing story, mid-tier maps, and Delve. Betrayal came out and I noped out of that league pretty quick. Synthesis I didn't even bother. When the league started, decided to clear the slate, make a few new builds in standard, and work my way up again. Regrettably emptied/vendor'd my couple hundred maps. Get to act 9, heard the horror stories about syndicate lag, avoided talking to Jun in a fruitless attempt at putting that off.

Hit a zone where lag is suddenly through the roof. Explore some, notice the little syndicate fortification/transport icons on the map. Bail, do okay with a few more zones, then lag spikes again, notice the syndicate icons again. Okay. Very annoying, but hopefully that's the worst of it and I can mostly avoid that with a touch more effort, right?

Go into another zone, lag spikes, then continues spiking, then I get disconnected. Just before I do, the last freeze-frame is Intervention jumping on top of me. Okay, a lot more annoying, let's give it one more chance. Restart, get one more zone in, get hit with another Intervention lag-death.

So yeah, I'm done. Game is effectively unplayable for me.

And I'm not saying this in the context of "Zomfg I've been there from the start, gave 100's to starter packs, am a beloved pillar of the forum community, run endgame content for all leagues". I'm saying this in the context that I believe my experience is closer to that of a vast majority of the playerbase: Those cursed 'casuals' who come to the game in the 100's and 1000's to just, y'know, enjoy ourselves, and who I believe are responsible for a majority of the money going into the game. A couple dozen fanatics giving a couple hundred to a thousand dollars each are vastly outweighed by the many thousands of 'casuals' each giving 10 to 60 each.

I'm taking the time to have my say here because I believe for every person like me who gave a little, who enjoyed the game enough, and am disappointed enough in its current state, to actually take the time to say something... there are several thousand more who are just shrugging, leaving without a word, and taking their money with them.

After several Intervention lag-deaths told me I wasn't wanted in this game, I reloaded Median xl, and found I'm enjoying that a hell of a lot more now.
I agree. Im getting tired too. HAd wondefull days with poe since beta. But now its gone. Too much of the same to do every three months. See you in Poe 2, in 20 years or so.
I just don't understand where GGG are taking this game. Once upon a time PoE was the real spiritual successor to Diablo and everyone loved it for that. Now, it's more like an arcade shooter with puzzles thrown in just to irritate.
gibbousmoon wrote:
After a few weeks of not playing, I've decided to uninstall. This is the first time in many years this game has not resided on my hard drive. Please allow me to explain why.

I haven't played in over a year and was pretty excited to jump back in and check it out on PS4...

Thank god it's free..

I've been playing PoE since 2013 and right off the bat I'm a bit taken back just by how much has changed. The big issue I have is all the new stash tabs they have. Before it was nice to buy the bundle, when the currency tabs came out it was awesome and needed.

But this, this just seems like overkill. I had two stash bundles and currency tabs and was fine all day, everyday (with 3 being premium)
but now that doesn't seem like it's enough.

Don't punish us because you guys don't make enough from skins so you need to shorten stack loads and make it so we need to collect and hold more stuff, just to get us to buy more space.

I understand GGG needs to make money but what they realize is that if their player base buys enough tabs then those players will nolonger bring money in. So they come up with ways to get us paying for the same things, over and over again. Just don't develop ways to purposely take our spaces up in order to push stuff on us.

There's got to be a better way to make "players PAYERS", right?
Wilmots wrote:
I agree. Im getting tired too. HAd wondefull days with poe since beta. But now its gone. Too much of the same to do every three months. See you in Poe 2, in 20 years or so.

Not likely there will ever be a PoE II. Based on the Chris Wilson GDC presentation he thinks that tapping the huge racing/shooter player crowds is the way to keeping PoE financially successful forever. So far based on the player number stats he showed during his talk he looks to be right. If speed racer PoE is getting them more players then that's what will make Tencent happiest and as we all know it's all about GGG selling out their core principals for money. The arpg we would most like to play (original PoE) is dead and burried.
"You've got to grind, grind, grind at that grindstone..."
Necessity may be the mother of invention, but poor QoP in PoE is the father of frustration.

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