[3.2] Juggernaut - Tectonic Slam - 1.1 mil DPS - Crit - Stormwall/Hegemony's Era **UPDATED** 3/4/18

goodlordbl4 wrote:
hi dude. any videos?

Not yet, I am still only level 40 and this is a new skill. There will be a ton more added to this guide, including videos, once I get to end game and start doing stuff that warrants a video.
Well, that staff just shot up to 150 chaos.
tribeca76 wrote:
Well, that staff just shot up to 150 chaos.

I had a feeling that would happen. Just like all end game stuff, if it's good it costs a butt load......
No CWDT with Immortal Call? Feels odd manually casting it... or am I missing something here?
Didn't like TS at all. Single target is shitty as fk
Hello, im a new player wanting to do this build , and i have a question probably noob too, i see you don't use multistrike like the other builds, why is it?
Multistrike question was answered above some where this thread
No CWDT with Immortal Call? Feels odd manually casting it... or am I missing something here?

You can manually cast it when needed. It is not needed as much as in other builds with the seriously high armour and life combined. The only other option is to replace the boots with one with sockets, if you feel as though you need CWDT then you are certainly welcome to do so.
I updated the build with suggested leveling uniques, obviously feel free to use other low level uniques or rares as it is just a suggestion and what I feel are the best unique weapons to help you level faster.

I will update quite a bit tomorrow with more leveling information to help those that might be new to the game level a bit smoother.
OH, I am also trying to come up with an option for boots that have sockets that will provide really high health and decent armour. Also we will need to come up with 3 nodes in the tree in order to get Unwavering Stance (this is extremely important to the build) so we will lose more health there.

Having those 4 sockets back will help a TON in making the build more stable (CWDT with Blood Range and/or Immortal Call for instance). I just think we will lose so much life by doing so (down to around 5.3k or even possibly lower) that I can not decide if it will be worth it.

If anyone has any ideas/thoughts please share them.


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