3.5 Magic Find Windrippin Boi (Windripper LA/Barrage Raider)

okay ill change that up ive been wonder why when I get surrounded by mobs like in a breach ill get destroyed but so far its been a great build and the most fun ive played so thanks for all the info and the help
hey i'm at lvl 82 and am getting pooped on by most everything im not sure what to do about getting more life modifiers on my character as im kinda poor right now what would you recommend me doing about it?
hey i'm at lvl 82 and am getting pooped on by most everything im not sure what to do about getting more life modifiers on my character as im kinda poor right now what would you recommend me doing about it?

Make your character tab public on your profile and ill be happy to help
i just made my characters public, thank you!
hey i'm at lvl 82 and am getting pooped on by most everything im not sure what to do about getting more life modifiers on my character as im kinda poor right now what would you recommend me doing about it?

I would sell the helmet and buy a rare helm with life and evasion on it, it may lower your dmg but its because you're missing around 120 flat life from that gearpiece nd some MS from the evasion never goes amiss.

The vessel of vinktar is not good for you because you dont have the final ascendancy points yet which grant you elemental ailment immunity so its just a "you take 50% increased dmg" which is ridiculously bad and makes you MUCH squishier.

I'd also take out that 1 projectile speed/damage node in the "Fury Bolts" cluster. If you still feel life is lacking then I would change the belt.

Other than that just level, the biggest source of life is from your levels and tree.

I'm using an Ice Shot variant of this build, and I was wondering if it is worth getting Rigwald's Quills, as opposed to using Omen of the Winds and a rare (Or Drillneck) quiver?

Building Omen of the Winds gives quite a lot of clear in itself, which makes me wonder about the need for Rigwald's Quills. The extra pierce and AoE buff seems pretty powerful, but is the "Fork" on Rigwald's a better option here?

Thanks for an amazing guide btw.
ThePastryMan wrote:
I'm using an Ice Shot variant of this build, and I was wondering if it is worth getting Rigwald's Quills, as opposed to using Omen of the Winds and a rare (Or Drillneck) quiver?

Building Omen of the Winds gives quite a lot of clear in itself, which makes me wonder about the need for Rigwald's Quills. The extra pierce and AoE buff seems pretty powerful, but is the "Fork" on Rigwald's a better option here?

Thanks for an amazing guide btw.

Its pretty much one or the other, I personally prefer using a rigwalds because I like having the extra dps from jewels but it is certainly personal preference and depends on how good your quiver is comparatively to your jewels and whether you prefer fork or pierce.
do you think this build could use the claw crit and leech nodes with lioneye's fall? if so what would you drop to pick up those nodes? currently in the process of switching over to your TS/barrage tree but i have a lioneye's fall already so i was wondering if you thought it was worth using.
rickyrecardo wrote:
do you think this build could use the claw crit and leech nodes with lioneye's fall? if so what would you drop to pick up those nodes? currently in the process of switching over to your TS/barrage tree but i have a lioneye's fall already so i was wondering if you thought it was worth using.

I dont think its worth using because it stretches out the tree in a way that it makes you unable to get a large amount of life nodes with only a small dps upside.
I'm loving the build and the guide! One question though, I'm running tight on mana regen, what are you using to supplement that

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