Personally I wish would die so developers actually do something.

Auction house would require: Storage servers,indexing,logging and a delivery system, ie mail.

Items would have to be stored on a separate server or duping could happen.
How could duping happen?
You place the item in your sell tab.
You and your buddy figure out the timing.
He hits buy at the same time you remove the exalt from tab. Boom, 1000's of duped exalt flooding the market.

Items would have to have a delivery system, not just gonna drop in a tab or on character.
Then you need staff to deal with lost or lagged items/currency.
So now you need a log to prove items got delivered.
Think we have lag now? What do you think will happen with 1000's of items floating back and forth?

How about the currency?
Over 40 currency items that change exchange rate everyday.
You really want ggg setting a flat rate for exalt to chaos?
And then taking a cut for every item you post?
Think stuff's expensive? How about when seller's add the posting fee to items?
Want your exalt/item now? See you in 4 hour's, auction/mail servers are always laggy as hell.

Willing to pay 12.99 a month/155 year for upkeep? Probably not since most of you wont spend a few bucks for premium tabs.

If the game has an economy, there will always be a group manipulating.
Some people love numbers.
WOW has an auction house.
WOW also has third party apps for manipulating and price sniping down to a %.

Get a mail system.
Oh look 14 msg's your crap must have sold. Your rich!
NOPE, RMT/farmers seeing if you wanna buy exalts for real cash.
Now they can bug you with tell's and mail.
Bah i'll just block em, they roll an alt.
Wanna play block the spammer all day?
But just put a lvl req on mail use, now newbs and low lvl alts get screwed.

Trade in premium tabs is work fine.

Label a tab, ie 5 chaos. Drop items and go back to mapping. Get tells within sec's.

The problem is people not realizing how trade works.

The first 5 listings are usually price fixer's.

They list an item for lower than everyone else.
The new player gets a drop and goes to price check.
Finds the first listing for 10c less than the 10th listing.
Player see's listing has been up for 4 hrs.
Player thinks everyone else is priced too high.
Player needs chaos NOW, so lists item for 1 chaos cheaper.
Price fixer buy's from new player and flips item for real price.

That perfect item at the perfect price, almost too good to be true?
Price fixer, stop getting mad he hasn't responded to your 45 tells. MOVE ON

Trying to complete your atlas and need that 1 gorge map for 1 chaos?
Msg multiple people.
The first person doesn't respond?
He/she isn't a dick, ignoring you.
He/she just stepped into a 20 Qual map with 4 master sextants active and isn't gonna burn a portal to get your 1 chaos.
With massive mob packs I'm too busy trying to survive, not gonna send you a "I'm busy not dying" reply.
Move on
Dozen's and dozen's of other gorge maps/items available, msg another.

Here's another thing i run into.
Premium tabs are not the only way to list.

On poe currency you can use the "Manage your shop" button on.
I can set a listing that stays for 24hr's.
I could say I'm selling 1 exalt for 96 chaos.
I just sold my last exalt.
When you look at poe.currency it will show my listing.
If is doesn't say Stock:xx next to my name, I have NO exalts,none,zero,zip.
So don't msg me wanting to buy 6 exalts,you wont get a response if im busy.

Why do i do it this way?
My currency tab is public.
When i get an exalt or other currency item i am selling, i throw it into currency tab.
Poe.currency auto updates my stock.
I continue to map without having to update or post stuff.

Another good example.
Received a msg while typing this to sell my Gcp's.
Dont have a price set but since currency tab is public, it still shows on poe.currency
Made a sale without posting anything.
The whole time im typing this im making sale's.
6 premium tabs auto posting, why the hell would you want a manual auction house?

Don't know how to price?
Throw it in a premium tab made public, if its worth something people will msg you.
Get 5 msg's in 3 sec? Better look that item up.

"Past a certain gear level (which is relatively easy to obtain) the only gear progression you can get is from trading, i wish i could grind for my gear, but alas GGG doesn't want that."

Really? Its called crafting.
You GRIND for currency to CRAFT gear.
Unless its a unique, it was crafted to be umber gear.
Majority of good gear is crafted not dropped.
Mirror quality items are crafted.
40 exalt Opal rings...crafted.
40+ currency items used for CRAFTING.

Static epic loot drops? Thats world of warcraft not POE.

krenderke wrote:
KOrchann wrote:
I think it would b fun if die;) all t flippers crying about it. lol yes plz make it happen:D

How about flippers dying and poetrade crying?

That would work too;)
"There is only one true god in PoE and that is Greed... "

I don’t need anger management, I need people to stop pissing me off!
Darshek78 wrote:
"Past a certain gear level (which is relatively easy to obtain) the only gear progression you can get is from trading, i wish i could grind for my gear, but alas GGG doesn't want that."

Really? Its called crafting.
You GRIND for currency to CRAFT gear.
Unless its a unique, it was crafted to be umber gear.
Majority of good gear is crafted not dropped.
Mirror quality items are crafted.
40 exalt Opal rings...crafted.
40+ currency items used for CRAFTING.

I had to laugh. A bit. A sad laugh.

Ever tried to grind for a Atziri's Disfavour? Tried to grind for a Starforge without trading? A Kaom's Heart? Even just a Belly of the Beast?

Ever tried to 6l an item SSF? I may be kind of dumb, but I am not that dumb.

As for crafting, how much crafting have you done this league? How many mirror-worthy items have you produced? How many Exalts have yo dropped? I dropped about 4 or 5 I think, cause I play too much. With those 4-5 Exalts, I can create, statistically, about 0.1 GG items. Crafting is in an extremely dumb state at the moment, and you know that. The only people who can really craft are mirror service providerst on Standard.

100% of the gear I use is dropped, except for the flasks. I am pretty sure that the vast majority of gear used by players is dropped, and only a very small minority is crafted. Yes, Steel and Opal rings are likely crafted, most weapons and chest pieces used are unique. Most rings that you find on the market are dropped rings. Same for non-unique amulets, belts, gloves, and boots.
Remove Horticrafting station storage limit.
I'd love to see what would happen. I sure as fuck would love's dev simply turning it off for 2 days. Heck, they could even just turn it off and see what GGG does about it. They could even demand money to turn it back on, lol.

Honestly, just turn that thing off for a while and let us watch world burn
Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance.
Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge.
krenderke wrote:

Yeah I would rather not get blacklisted by xyz.

true, he could really make some serious dollars by offering a paid unbanning feature.

for the trading situation, i guess if the chinese/xbox ingame trading module proved sufficient, ggg will shutdown the api.

as it currently is, it's highly unfair with people runnning private indexers and auto buy scripts as well as currency trading bots.

the only issue i see is ggg relying on the api to sell premium tabs.
age and treachery will triumph over youth and skill!
i already said it 10000 times and i say it again : the solution is a "crossed instance" trade system....

have to work with online people only but no more need to be in the same league/party ... u get the pm , you click on "yes" : the buyer get the item,u get the currencies in ur stash...simple,fast,no more log-switch.

another thing that would realy increase the qol of trading would be a ban for couple days for all items which haven't been sold after 3 offers at the listed,price fixing and "afk addicts" would get a huge kick in the balls....

have fun
learning is a painful process ... knowledge is the most deadly weapon.
Last edited by xxxcobaltxxx on Oct 6, 2017, 9:12:49 AM
xxxcobaltxxx wrote:
the solution is a "crossed instance" trade system....

wouldn't help much.
they will not allow trading from outside towns and hideouts because that would allow trading with yourself to get all rare items out of a instance.

and not having to visit other people's hideout basically removes much of the motivation to decorate it.

xxxcobaltxxx wrote:

ban for couple days for all items which haven't been sold after 3 offers at the listed price

have you never accidentally mispriced an item? 3 offers, let's talk about 30 offers. per minute.
why do you want to punish those who aren't sure about the demand of certain bases and affix combinations?

and it's mostly newbies who have huge difficulties defining buyout prices for stuff they want to sell. you ban all their items, they quit.

the better option really is to just advertise to players that prices on can't be trusted for price checking, i have really no idea why people have a problem getting that simple fact.

i rarely have problems getting the stuff i want from others. of course if you're going for the cheapest offers you're gambling with your playtime. sounds fair to me.
age and treachery will triumph over youth and skill!
Last edited by vio on Oct 6, 2017, 1:36:55 PM
FULLY agree

GGG, sucks!!!!! anylne that lays on a labtop knows that having it in the backgroun fucks with your game. not to mention the anoying ads all over that suddenly start an audio and you are in the middle of a boss fight and suddenly have to hear some stupid geico commercial

GIVE US AN AUCTION SYSTEM. we don't like a stupid ad infested website
TreeOfDead wrote:
Johny_Snow wrote:
It makes sense. The only reason they don't do anything is because does their job for free. I'd love to see them actually try themselves even if I have to skip a couple of leagues because of an awful trade chat/forum threads.

They did on xbox... you love it?

OMG, i seen how Xbox trade works a couple days ago, wtf were they thinking. I mean if you want to buy uniques then awesome its super easy and nice. You want to buy anything non unique, good fucking luck scrolling through thousands of items looking for the few you might actually need. What a complete Joke they turned trade into on there, LOL.
The problem with GGG is that they think they are always right, I have lost most of my friends in PoE due to the direction the game has been headed. Quite frankly I am ashamed to live in the same country and even more so close to the head offices, fucking pains me driving near the GGG offices thinking of the people inside ruining the potential of the game.

This is why I will never give them another cent of my money, because I would rather spend it on extra ply toilet rolls.

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