[3.5] Lioneye's Glare Ele Conversion Raider (all content, videos up)

So I got motivated and studied your path of building to answer my own question in case anyone else was curious. You dropped the immortal call three link, interesting. Only two pieces of abyss gear also, I was thinking you were using four pieces of abyss gear. I wonder if that setup can farm maps very well at all? Or just demolish everything from a screen away haha. No acrobatics in tree either. I did have another question though. What's so special about the watchers eye jewel you're using? Sorry I'm a noob :)
Oh and what are all the red circles on the pob skill tree some nodes allocated and some not? Never seen those before
Envysible wrote:
So I got motivated and studied your path of building to answer my own question in case anyone else was curious. You dropped the immortal call three link, interesting. Only two pieces of abyss gear also, I was thinking you were using four pieces of abyss gear. I wonder if that setup can farm maps very well at all? Or just demolish everything from a screen away haha. No acrobatics in tree either. I did have another question though. What's so special about the watchers eye jewel you're using? Sorry I'm a noob :)

I do use all Abyss items except for the belt. I've updated the PoB.

yes I do farm maps, I've been farming T16's with bloodlines basically all league. I think farming it is going to get even better next league with 86 ilvl jewels and stygian vises being only available in Guardian maps abyss depths.

No acrobatics in tree either.

I use Acrobatics now but skipped phase acrobatics.

from 90 to 91, I've died 12-15 times.

When I was doing 94->95 I've died few times despite running with aurabot, arctic armour and more life jewels. In return for having insane damage and great move speed you have to prepare that if you don't dodge stuff/don't know the mechanics game will kill you.

2.) is it possible to run projectile weakness, hatred & herald of ash all at the same time?

You can do it if you do some shenanigans with enlighten/ charisma node (very close to Ranger tree)

3.) you say "shroud of the lightless" is a good alternative. Does that mean that u think it is not on par with ashrend?

I think it is better but not by that much. Seeing how it costs 20 ex now, it's going to cost like 4 times that next league so I'll just probably stick to Ashrend next league.
My builds: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2255805
Nice, thanks for the update. Excited to check out the new pob.
I want to try bow build before the league ends, I wanted to ask can I use full abyssal gear with this build?

What about 2 abyss socket shroud?

Will legacy ROTC with 4 arrows be viable for this build?
We farming Uber Elder next league guys, thanks GGG <3
My builds: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2255805
Amazing build that just destroys every boss in 3.1.
hello, im using your build. but im stuck at this point. dunno how to improve my dps anymore.. can you give me any advice???

TY for this build, I've had a blast with it and hope to at least try Shaper and red Elder before Abyss ends.

I struggled a lot with survivability (i.e. I died a LOT) until recently. Here's some tips I found useful with this character:

1) CWDT setup (cwdt+immortal call+inc.dura) REALLY helps, as it gives that ~0,7sec for your leech to catch up after taking a massive hit.

2) Prioritizing life over damage in abyss jewels. I switched out a few three damage mod jewels for ones with 1-2 damage mods and 30+ life. Also swapped out of Darkray Vectors for rare boots with life, resists and move speed. Much less one-shot deaths now with 4,6k life (rather than 3,8k).

3) Speccing out of point blank for levelling. As OP wrote on the first page in comments:
Leave Point blank for when you're ready to farm endgame bosses.
This made my playstyle overall much much more range-oriented which is actually boosted by Lioneye's Glare, since it does more damage the further you are. And when you're out of melee range, those monsters won't hit and kill you.

4) Chance to blind on hit was something that surprised me as well with it's defensive capability. I got that accidentally while crafting a murderous eye jewel for Tombfist and just stuck with it since the other rolls were reasonably fine (see #2). Very useful but wouldn't say it's necessary.

5) Using blink arrow decoy all the time for drawing the heat off you for a sec.

6) Accepting that if I do not dodge and weave, I will die, and most of the time my deaths are the result of bad choices rather than the build or the game being at fault (e.g. running into mobs guns blazing and then dying when they didn't get oneshot as fast as I thought).

Hope this helps anyone who's struggling with staying alive while decimating the atlas with this build!

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