3.11 -- Righteous Fire Juggernaut / Chieftain (Outdated and Abandoned)

Righteous Fire - died.
poe.ninja says they play 0%....
Honestly, new jewels are good buff for RF, but its dificult to leave any traditional skill point in order to use ir on that jewels....

Anyway, classic RF is good option, but its expensive.

At the moment (im a standard player), i only have some problems with 165 level or more in the mine, conquerors with 4 watchstones and guardians (didnt try sirius or Uber Elder).

But, my final dmg will be 770k aprox and im playing with 300k atm, and i do t14-16 easy.

So, this build is low tier, but its perfectly viable.

Anyway, i hope nobody plays it, and GGG buff it.
Hey Guys, its RF time again and i hope i will see a lot of the guys from last league sticking around in this thread.

My progress so far:

Leveled up to 36 with sunder and switched to RF than (its hard if you playing RF first time, in this case i would advice to level up to ~60 with another skill).

I am lvl 83 right now playing white maps (highest T5), but it feels very very smooth. (as always).

There is one huge problem and i want to make all of you aware of this who might look at this thread to decide the league start build:

There is one debuff in delirium which lowers your life recovery (10% per stack) which is applied by some specific mobs and will result in insta deaths (happens for me in like 1 of 5 encounters). I am not sure how to avoid it, its not very visible (as you gain 3-4 stacks very fast and die). I Hope GGG will change this, there is already alot of discussions on reddit about this from other builds which are struggling as well.

Would like to hear your experiences so far.

Best regards
Bernhart wrote:
Hey Guys, its RF time again and i hope i will see a lot of the guys from last league sticking around in this thread.

My progress so far:

Leveled up to 36 with sunder and switched to RF than (its hard if you playing RF first time, in this case i would advice to level up to ~60 with another skill).

I am lvl 83 right now playing white maps (highest T5), but it feels very very smooth. (as always).

There is one huge problem and i want to make all of you aware of this who might look at this thread to decide the league start build:

There is one debuff in delirium which lowers your life recovery (10% per stack) which is applied by some specific mobs and will result in insta deaths (happens for me in like 1 of 5 encounters). I am not sure how to avoid it, its not very visible (as you gain 3-4 stacks very fast and die). I Hope GGG will change this, there is already alot of discussions on reddit about this from other builds which are struggling as well.

Would like to hear your experiences so far.

Best regards

Hey !

Last season my last char was rf, i have always loved rf and it became pretty good after a while.

I started a jug now, at lvl 45-50, just changed to rf. I was using tec/groundslam and cyclone at the end, but didnt really work well. I'm doing as last season, Rf and using cyclone-fortyfy-curse on hit-flamabillity. Its just so smooth with cyclone as i dont bump/stop on mobs. I also trigger EE with cyclone and Overload with a cwdt-stormbrand. Using conc effect now tho so the rf is super small haha
Bernhart wrote:
Hey Guys, its RF time again and i hope i will see a lot of the guys from last league sticking around in this thread.

My progress so far:

Leveled up to 36 with sunder and switched to RF than (its hard if you playing RF first time, in this case i would advice to level up to ~60 with another skill).

I am lvl 83 right now playing white maps (highest T5), but it feels very very smooth. (as always).

There is one huge problem and i want to make all of you aware of this who might look at this thread to decide the league start build:

There is one debuff in delirium which lowers your life recovery (10% per stack) which is applied by some specific mobs and will result in insta deaths (happens for me in like 1 of 5 encounters). I am not sure how to avoid it, its not very visible (as you gain 3-4 stacks very fast and die). I Hope GGG will change this, there is already alot of discussions on reddit about this from other builds which are struggling as well.

Would like to hear your experiences so far.

Best regards

Im having the same problem in delirium events (doing t1-t3 for chaos recipe), now you show me why, thanks!!!!
Hpe GGG change this because RF is my favorite build... Outside meta but tons of fun!
What auras you use? I played RF before Malevolence. Should I use it or only vitality and purity of fire?
Last edited by p4ndi0n on Mar 16, 2020, 10:41:57 AM
I can't do it, made a spell slinger assasin hit lv 68 before killing kitava I died like 80 times...

there is nothing like rf that can ignore league mechanics and just loot while killing everything
What passives would you recommend removing from the tree in order to pursue some of the new clusters/notables?
I have given up going very high north, i normaly take the fire passives up north west and the health + fire in north-north (over witch). Instead trying to use clusters....

I know the "fire over time" is best for us right ? But how does that compair to pure fire damage ?
Master of fire jewel notibae. It gives exposure to nearby enemies to fire a.k.a minus fire resist. Tho is it considered a curse or debuff or what ? If i run witchbrew flash witch gives despair curse on use do I need + additional curse ability to run both or its not considered curse ?
Lazytits wrote:
I have given up going very high north, i normaly take the fire passives up north west and the health + fire in north-north (over witch). Instead trying to use clusters....

I know the "fire over time" is best for us right ? But how does that compair to pure fire damage ?

Answering my self here...

4% fire damage over time multi gives me the same dps as about 17% fire damage. If my calculations are correct

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