The Son of God:

So you believe in allah, krishna, bodhissatva and the spagheti-monster as-well?

Fascinating, what made you go for god and not for the other options?


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
You mentioned we are made in God's image. What do you suppose this means?

If you pour dust into a wineskin, will it quench your thirst if you try to drink it?
- 0 * - < _ > - * 0 -- 0 * - < _ > - * 0 -- 0 * - < _ > - * 0 -- 0 * - < _ > - * 0- 0 * - <
- 0 * - < _ > - * 0 -- 0 * - < _ > - * 0 -- 0 * - < _ > - * 0 -- 0 * - < _ > - * 0- 0 * - <
Why are you ignoring my questions? Is it that you don't know?

All that you've given me so far is

1) some flame and arbitrary insults concerning using the therm atheist, when you clearly demonstrate an atheist outlook when it comes to any "existential existence" that is not "god".

2) questions in response to questions, which is never a good sign.

bwam wrote:
If you pour dust into a wineskin, will it quench your thirst if you try to drink it?

If i pour god into allah is it still god, if i put vinaigrette on my spaghetti does it become a salad, if my if's indicated answers would i look smart?

What is this bullshit philosophical sheize while actively calling a big part of the world "wrong" and yourself "right" on no substantiated premise whatsoever.


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
bwam wrote:
Head_Less wrote:
Explain me what witness out of bible attested the veracity of jesus existence.

Please drop names/text



I asked out of the bible. YOu know some neutral evidences usefull to prove non biased things.

What you just did is telling me since the Joker believe in Batman then batman is real.

Find me a single text from a witness of Jesus not from the bible, just one. Goddamit, even the Roman who wrote everything never talk once about jesus during the time he was alive.

Even the jews from that time, the jewish administration, Ponce pilate scribs never said a word about him.

A guy walking around with 100 000 people behind him and there is 0 text from the jews of that time or records from the area.

You have 0 proof jesus was real out of what is claimed in the bible, ZERO, niet, nič .

^ well there is Josephus but he was born 3 years after Jesus s death.
Poe Pvp experience
Last edited by Head_Less on Oct 26, 2017, 3:16:05 AM
I want to ask the followers of the Christian God one question: do you believe that the earth is flat?
Head_Less wrote:

I asked out of the bible. YOu know some neutral evidences usefull to prove non biased things.

What you just did is telling me since the Joker believe in Batman then batman is real.

Find me a single text from a witness of Jesus not from the bible, just one. Goddamit, even the Roman who wrote everything never talk once about jesus during the time he was alive.

Even the jews from that time, the jewish administration, Ponce pilate scribs never said a word about him.

A guy walking around with 100 000 people behind him and there is 0 text from the jews of that time or records from the area.

You have 0 proof jesus was real out of what is claimed in the bible, ZERO, niet, nič .
I want to ask the followers of the Christian God one question: do you believe that the earth is flat?

There's this thing called science...

I don't know if you are unfamiliar with the long history of failure that people the world over experienced for thousands of years trying to decipher how the world worked. I don't know if you are aware of when and how that changed - how it was that the Judeo Christian belief in a single God with unchanging rules gave science the purpose and ability to build on discoveries as part of universal whole. Yes, it is true that once the Church had established what they thought that truth was, they fought tooth and nail to keep it from changing in any way that might conflict with the Bible. That doesn't change the origins, or their importance.

I apologize to those who might have had their narrative shattered. Like scientific facts that can be verified, history is full of surprises.
PoE Origins - Piety's story
Boem wrote:
If i pour god into allah is it still god

Some say they are the same (People of the Book philosophy) while others theorize they are not. Myself, I find a big conflict between the time frame of a god that goes from being Old Testament, to softer New Testament, and then back to Old Testament (Quran) than back to New testament (chronologically written latter parts of the Quran), but is not interpreted in that fashion because of the way the book is put together.

So, I would say they are based off a similar idea, but the identity is too far off to be the same.

Boem wrote:
if i put vinaigrette on my spaghetti does it become a salad,

Yes, it becomes a pasta salad, or insalata. While lettuce is commonly added, it need not be.

Pesto is far better than vinaigrette though, imo.

Boem wrote:
We are all the children of god right? So jesus is just another nobody among the bunch of nobody's.

That is how He portrays Himself for the most part. In Matthew 16 Jesus asked His disciples
who they thought He was

“Who do people say the Son of Man is?”

They replied, “Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others, Jeremiah or one of the prophets.”

“But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I am?”

Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.”

Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven. And I tell you that you are Peter,and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”

Then he ordered his disciples not to tell anyone that he was the Messiah.

Boem wrote:
So you believe in allah, krishna, bodhissatva and the spagheti-monster as-well?

Fascinating, what made you go for god and not for the other options?

I can only speak for myself, and to say that upbringing gave me a start toward Christianity. Due to different specific faiths among my parents and lots of travel, I was exposed to a lot of other faiths, including good family friends who were Buddhist. There are a lot of central truths shared between religions, but to me Christianity seemed the one that involved the most altruism. True, there is a vast gulf between what is professed and how many Christians lead their personal lives, mine not excluded. That doesn't negate the central tenets of the faith.

I cannot personally vouch for the historical authenticity of most of the Bible any more than I can personally vouch that the measurement of the speed of light is what science says it is. While the latter is extent and easily tested, without time travel, our resources to investigate the past are limited.

I can vouch for being part of an archeological dig that unearthed an EBII stella (3100–2300 B.C.)that referenced a little known battle that was mentioned in the Bible. We also found a pottery calf skull and crude copper blades.

As for historical accounts of Jesus, I haven't dug much for them, but have seen people alluding that in the 100 or so years after Jesus' death, there were far more accounts written about him than Tiberius Caesar, the Roman emperor at the time.

I don't see where their accounts would hold any more water than those of the gospel though. There are some things such as the depiction of the crucifixion in the Bible that was dismissed as inaccurate for a long time (placement of the nails in Jesus), only to find out with more modern science that they are correct.

Growing up, I recall that the virgin birth was considered the most outlandish miracle. Now, artificial conception is a routine thing and could easily accomplish this impossible task.

It is by and large a matter of faith. I don't expect those who have no faith to suddenly see God. They may not ever be able to, no matter how hard they try. Conversely, I could be deluded in my belief and not realize it. I have questioned my faith enough, and forced myself to question various aspects, and yet have not found it to be false.

If someone can love God, and they can love their neighbor as themself, then they can truly call themselves a Christian. The minute details of faith are like all the steps in a differential equation. They don't need to be applied every time, they are there to help understand the whole process.

At times, I find the "debate" about proof for or against God interesting and at the same time realize it is foolish. An all powerful and knowing God could easily prove His existence if He wanted to. Conversely, He could easily hide proof of His existence, if He wanted to. If His choice was to make others choose for themselves, then there can be no proof or disproof. My own belief is that whether faith comes to someone is between them and God. My only part in another person's belief is to be truthful when asked, and care about them the same no matter what their choice is.

PoE Origins - Piety's story
Last edited by DalaiLama on Oct 30, 2017, 4:06:36 PM
Kamchatka wrote:
Head_Less wrote:

I asked out of the bible. YOu know some neutral evidences usefull to prove non biased things.

What you just did is telling me since the Joker believe in Batman then batman is real.

Find me a single text from a witness of Jesus not from the bible, just one. Goddamit, even the Roman who wrote everything never talk once about jesus during the time he was alive.

Even the jews from that time, the jewish administration, Ponce pilate scribs never said a word about him.

A guy walking around with 100 000 people behind him and there is 0 text from the jews of that time or records from the area.

You have 0 proof jesus was real out of what is claimed in the bible, ZERO, niet, nič .

HUm, you don t see any problem with the birth date of those claimed to be witnesse of jesus in your link?

Tacitus (A.D. 54-119)
Suetonius (A.D. 75-160)
Pliny the Younger (about A.D. 61-115)
The earlist non-Christian writer who refers Christ is the Jewish historian Flavius Josephus; born A.D. 37

Hint: Jesus death is around A.D 33

Philo ( the only name in your list born before Jesus and alive before his death)

Philo says not a word about Jesus, Christianity nor any of the events described in the New Testament. In all this work, Philo makes not a single reference to his alleged contemporary "Jesus Christ", the godman who supposedly was perambulating up and down the Levant, exorcising demons, raising the dead and causing earthquake and darkness at his death.

HA yea your link say: " a legend that Philo had met St. Peter in Rome " So first we have a legend for proof and then it only talk about Philo meeting St.peter IN ROME city far far away from Jesus birth place and death place.

Keep searching

Poe Pvp experience
Last edited by Head_Less on Oct 30, 2017, 6:13:15 PM
DalaiLama wrote:

Nice :)

For me faith or the lack of faith is a personal matter and as such i respect any and all believes and judge them based on "real-life merit" if that makes sense.

If faith in X-y-Z provokes compassion and humanity in you, i will consider it "good for you", if it provokes contempt and hatred i deem it "bad".

As such i take offense to people claiming "the one true god", since they inadvertently proclaim fanaticism and spit on the faith/or lack of faith of other people.

There's a couple billion of people, i find it hard to believe there is a single book or god for that mater to guide each and every one.

nice insalata btw.


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes

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