You need to make Legacy League better because its already so boring

The legacy league video

The ENTIRE league is based around running past league mods with interesting modifiers..

The league was NOT supposed to be standard with the occasional 1 per 20 map magic league stone....

Absolute boredom

To top it off,

Relic Keys are more rare then 5 exalted orbs

I found 1 key in over 1 full week of intense gaming

What a God Damn Joke

The league literally feels like standard with the occasional (very unnoticeable) league stone modifying my zone.

How to fix the league before it dies

1. Increase relic key drop rate - it is way too god damn rare, and the top tier items are already so rare that increasing the drop rate would make the league anything but more boring.

Having 1 key drop per day per player should be the norm.... not 1 key per week.

2. Increase League Stone Drop Rate by 3 times the amount

3. Implement a Vendor RNG system to vendor 10 white stones for 1 random blue and 10 random blue for 1 random rare

We should look forward to getting this random league stone

Not hope to find one once every 10 maps and usually not be anything interesting...

Please fix the league because im already so bored of it compared to all previous leagues

This is the fastest ive ever wanted to quit.

Im 1 character into the league and im f*cking over it....

(obviously new players wont feel the same but i do think my points are valid and i only wanna see the game be more fun and entertaining, not an absolute chore to play....)
Last bumped on Mar 30, 2017, 9:20:06 PM
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2. Increase League Stone Drop Rate by 3 times the amount

I would also like to see the odds of the type weighted by what you are currently using.

More of what you are using would be ideal. More of everything else is what I would expect from GGG, though.
Yeah just hit 90 got 1 key this week and ofc it was absolute shit no surprise there,but thats rng so whatever.
The leaguestones themselfs should never drop white imo they should always be blue the white ones are simply to boring.
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It's really not ok to be a certain something anymore it seems.

“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”
jackof8lades wrote:
Yeah just hit 90 got 1 key this week and ofc it was absolute shit no surprise there,but thats rng so whatever.
The leaguestones themselfs should never drop white imo they should always be blue the white ones are simply to boring.

Exactly... they made the league similar to talisman, but without the talisman upgrades..

You find white stones

You cannot upgrade/vendor/trade in these for an upgrade

You find magic stones

You can vendor them with white and have only a chance of getting back a random magic

You cannot upgrade magic stones to anything

Relic keys drop once a week

Thats the entire fking league...
I'm glad more and more people are figuring this out.
If the leaguestones dropped 2 or 3 times as much and were ALWAYS BLUE or higher (is there a higher tier? never seen one)...

JUST THAT ALONE - no one would complain about. Just look at the streamers, and listen to the players. THE ONLY FUN SHIT IS THE BLUE STONES...

Take the white stones OUT OF THE GAME. THEY ARE NOT FUN.

White stones = fun for a day or two... then totally unfun as you realize that's all you get.
blue stones = could keep us all playing and buying MTX ALL FUCKING SEASON.

We are mad about this because GGG made a REALLY FUN LEAGUE (blue stones, which advance the previous leagues and make them better/more fun)... and we cannot play it!
blue leaguestones? why not yellow (rare) leaguestones? that'd be cool. this league is supposed to be like a flashback league right?
This basically shows that past league mechanics are just loot piñatas in various forms. The challenge/reward is off.

That GGG doesn't want to make all the league stones blue confirms that they made them too easy, and too rewarding. This is opt in content, if it's too hard you simply choose not to add the league stone. That should have been the balance vector, not rng/scarcity.

Anyway, I believe stacking item rarity will increase the chance of getting a blue league stone. If that actually works then this is the league to go full rarity.
Never underestimate what the mod community can do for PoE if you sell an offline client.
Wow 1 relic key per person per day? Are you fucking stupid? The game would be flooded with foil uniques, they are meant to be rare so they actually have some value to them.
Telzen wrote:
Wow 1 relic key per person per day? Are you fucking stupid? The game would be flooded with foil uniques, they are meant to be rare so they actually have some value to them.

use ur brain

they can increase the rarity of the top tier items..

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Its about feeling like ur actually getting relic keys.. currently the drop rate is so rare and 99% of the time u get a 1 alch item.

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Last edited by Cheyane_GGG on Mar 13, 2017, 2:51:23 AM
Telzen wrote:
Wow 1 relic key per person per day? Are you fucking stupid? The game would be flooded with foil uniques, they are meant to be rare so they actually have some value to them.

use ur brain

they can increase the rarity of the top tier items..

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You use your brain. If they did that then you would just be complaining about how nothing good ever comes from the relic chest. Anyway all relics are meant to be kinda rare, not just the really good ones. They are meant to be collectors items.
Last edited by Nichelle_GGG on Mar 11, 2017, 9:05:56 PM

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