[2.6] Atmotion's 100% fire 'Xogama' Cyclone - Fun, Easy, Cheap, Fast, Endgame Viable (No 5-6L req!)

nskLantash wrote:
So, okay, i'm in need of a quick advice here. It's a...tiny bit offtopic, but still :D.

Started leveling in duo-party with my friend and decided to use this build, because it seemed like a lot of fun.
However, seeing as my friend picked a Raider as his character, we quickly ran into an awkward situation - he needs kills to gain his frenzy charges, and i, with my culling strike, deny him those kills :D.

Because i play way more than my friend does, it's easier for me to change a build than it is for him, the only question is how.
Slayer is, obviously, a no-go. Would a Champion work with Ngamahu\Xoph's Blood setup, and what Asc nodes would i need to take? Or is it better to just level up a bers\chieftain from scratch?

I can recommend Chieftrain!
You get more fire pen, a bit of life leech, lots of endurance charges (im running with 7 atm), huge life regen and armour.
I'm running a 6l chest with cyclone+faster attacks+fortify+BM+inc AOE+Life gain on hit
the life gain on hit gives you pretty good survivability in combination with endurance charges(i got ~60-70% phys reduction with really budget gear), leech and life regen.
I followed most of the guide but made some changes to fit my playstyle hate being a copycat :)

Not to hijack the this too much, but the changes aI made to the tree was to ignore Elemental overload and focus on the Templar nodes.
Additionally I now use Surgebinders so I picked up the Endurance charges and Frenzy nodes as well as the Bandit reward.

I use Bloodrage to get my Frenzy charges and to get Endurance charges ECoMS for now until I can get a "The Red Dream Crimson Jewel" placed by the Diamond skin and Barbarism nodes; equaling a 29% chance.

Since slayer has the passive culling strike I got rid of Herald of Ash and went Blasphemy/Flammability + Grace. In Uber Lab or high lvl party content I run with Grace + Determination.

On the Axe I also replaced Added Fire damage with Elemental Focus.

For gear Sibyl's Lament really helps with the reflect! Other stuff is just in works as I play more.

For pots I'm switching between Taste of hate and Basalt, then std life and speed flasks.

Here is my planned out tree and current gear

If you got problems with refelct, why dont you run purity of fire?
Powerlenny wrote:
If you got problems with refelct, why dont you run purity of fire?

It wouldn't do any and would just be a waste. At max lvl it's +4 to cap you'd be better off just using a ruby flask, which I did for a bit and was barely survivable and that's +6 to cap.
Love the build !! Here is my proposition for armor: http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Death%27s_Oath.
Chaos dmg penalty is unnoticable for slayer, so we get up to 150 stats, 15% atk.speed and some res.
Chrom wrote:
Powerlenny wrote:
If you got problems with refelct, why dont you run purity of fire?

It wouldn't do any and would just be a waste. At max lvl it's +4 to cap you'd be better off just using a ruby flask, which I did for a bit and was barely survivable and that's +6 to cap.

why not both? i use purity of fire and not even died once to reflect. lets say it reflects 40k dmg, with flask you have 75+1+6=82res ->it hits for 6,4k, with both you got 70+1+4+6=86res->it hits for 5,6k
thats ~12,5% less damage taken which makes the difference between being alive or not for me.
Last edited by Powerlenny on Dec 16, 2016, 2:56:40 PM
For those who have played Lighty's Cyclone build(s) and run a Raider version, how does this build compare for end-game?
All that and a bag of chips!
So what about conc effect ? Why don't use it since it scales even better with point blank ?
Mooginator wrote:
For those who have played Lighty's Cyclone build(s) and run a Raider version, how does this build compare for end-game?

I've played both (albeit not Lighty's version) and cyclone with a Disfavour is still better. The big difference is this is far less expensive to get rolling.
Nachos? Yes.
So what about conc effect ? Why don't use it since it scales even better with point blank ?

This is what I use as well. The difference is pretty large especially given the slayer's ability to have more aoe. You also don't lose out on the elemental effect which shouldn't be disregarded.
Nachos? Yes.

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