Yo china has pay2live.

So when Tencent will shut down in few years for example, GGG will take all acounts like they did with CiS Garena. And all those noobs who can't even reach lvl 80, they will have few chars lvl 100 cause they had cash to pay for no penalty on death. And they will join our leaderboards with players who spend months, dying sometimes or a lot to hit lvl 100. Just great

Immo_scion - Lv 100 solo - Playing in partys is too easy - solo for life :)
Kingoko wrote:
So when Tencent will shut down in few years for example, GGG will take all acounts like they did with CiS Garena. And all those noobs who can't even reach lvl 80, they will have few chars lvl 100 cause they had cash to pay for no penalty on death. And they will join our leaderboards with players who spend months, dying sometimes or a lot to hit lvl 100. Just great

How does it hurt standard players or the board where there are hundreds of level 100s at this point? I don't disagree is p2w, im just asking how harmful pay 2 live actually is once it gets integrated.
IGN: Arlianth
Check out my LA build: 1782214
Cataca wrote:

So, in both of your opinions, GGG is squandering away dev time on MTX's and P2W features (on a secondary distributor, no less, not the main game) instead of fixing the games "core problems".

Because its not at all reasonable that GGG have given the core game to TenCent, and they have developed the f2p features and their auction house, much like garena back then, in adition to the chinese/russian UI.

Throw out a piece of information and leave it to the nerds to come up with the most ridiculous conspiracy theory and baseless fearmongering.

Jonathan described his responsibilities at GGG. One of them is working on the trade improvements. He's also the guy who worked on fixing desync. BUT, he explained when he worked on fixing desync years ago, he couldn't do it today. Why? Because he spends most of his time directing/explaining the game to other people who are tasked with the programming. Right now, he says he's working on the back end of the game when he isn't spending most of his time directing the other programmers. How many other programmers are there working on the back end? Just one. Jonathan and this other guy are the only ones working on the back end. What is the other doing right now? The China launch.

So, no, it's not conspiracy theory fear mongering. Their back end guy is working on the China release, and the only other back end guy left at GGG, Jonathan, who is also working on trade, also had to manage all the other programmers and can't spend time on long-term projects like he used to (desync fix) - ie., the trade improvements.

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give moar Power Creep Pls

Docbp87 wrote:
What does pay to live have to do with cosmetics from mystery boxes? Of course pay2live has an effect on game play, and I never meant to imply that it didn't. You said that pay to open-loot crates that are in P2W games have made their way into PoE (which I assume you mean the Mystery Boxes). I said that there is no problem with the mystery boxes making their way into PoE, since their contents have no effect on gameplay...

Mystery Boxes, loot crates, etc. I lump all together - most F2P MMO's have it now, it's gambling. GGG's is for MTX, but it's still the gambling mechanic I have a problem with, especially since you can get repeat MTX without any way to trade them or recover the cost of them. My association is it's a rather scammy way to getting player's money, much like they are in P2W games like F2P MMO's.

But since you mentioned affecting game play, that's trade tabs. GGG has trade tabs, and I associate the level of how much they affect game play the same as how much pay 2 live affects game play. They both are an ingame advantage over other players that don't use them.

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give moar Power Creep Pls

are u mad?


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
vio wrote:
CaoMengde wrote:
stop buying supporter packs! :P

glad i only dropped $20


20 cents per month played? such dedication!

Thanks!!! its pretty shameful though, i broke my dedication and spent the $20, oh well, game pretty much forces you to get a stash tab bundle, and they keep making more things to sell stash tabs
(div cards, jewels, more maps, essences, prophecies) .. its all trash but we horde em like idiots lol
Last edited by CaoMengde on Oct 19, 2016, 7:53:16 PM
Oh dear God.
really? damn...well it was bound to happen sooner or later.
Still failing to solve "The Riddle of Melee" 4.0 HYPE!!!
THE EAGLES!!! (bleeds out from a wound to the gut)
the eagles...are...coming...(coughs)...the eagles...
It's actually looking pretty grim how p2w/freemium poe china is.
The day I worry about other ppl is day I end it. Who cares> Look No you have a bazillion exalts you think i care? Naw man as long as i can do my thang it's all good as long as I enjoy myself its all good.
Git R Dun!
Last edited by Aim_Deep on Oct 20, 2016, 2:16:44 AM

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