Path of Exile 2.4.0: Atlas of Worlds Patch Notes

Helmsman527 wrote:
Destroying Legacy Items is destroying economy
Even now we have 90% of all legacy items impossible to sell
What's the point to destroy Voltaxic, Mjolner, Voll's Amulet?
GGG also made a move to reduce drop of Shavronn earlier

People have tabs full of unique items they can't sell
There are already very few unique items you can use to make a build around it

Was the point of all these nerfs was force move people use Rare items only and don't pay attention to any unique itmes, since earlier or later they all be crap because of nerfs?

Amazing balancing!

A lot of good people were quitting after the nerf of Voltaxic
I predict even more will quit after this patch

Yesterday I was watching the comments of well known streamer (Mathil) He said that this nerf will make half of the builds he did unusable.

To be honest, this patch didn't touch the char I'm playing now, but I lost my confidence in game and quit. Sold out all exiles yesterday and feel happy not to mess with this game anymore.

Have fun
Peace to all

Newsflash: GGG does NOT balance around vanilla standard - partly becasue it is impossible. It's like you asking BMW "please, don't release your new car, you are making my old one worth less! You are not respecting me as a customer!" You sound ridicolous.

If you quit because a specific nerf or two, then this game is not for you - the game rewards you for adapting to the new rules/limitations each balance patch. And this patch did NOT kill any of the builds, only brought them in line. If you want to "brake the game" again, you have to try something new - it is a process that most people in the new leagues enjoy. You need limitations to drive your creativity.
As for Mathil, don't worry about him - he will come up with a plethora of new builds in no time.
plodd wrote:

You know what that proves don't you?

That proves that ggg's whole policy on legacies is based around lies.

It proves there was no need for a legacy mjolner in the first place.

It is a clear indication that what they say should be taken with a pinch of salt.

The only thing it proves for me is, that every Item has a chance to get nerfed or buffed.
If an item needs a buff, the legacy version of it is obviously worse.
Well, in cases of buffs they could just skip the part to make the worse version legacy.

That system has it's flaws and merits.
To say their whole policy around legacys is a lie would be too harsh imo.

I'll just continue to enjoy their game ;)
Last edited by Boredom111 on Sep 1, 2016, 7:44:11 AM
Khaylee wrote:
Honestly, how delusional and out of touch with reality are these developers?? Like what in the actual fuck? "Widespread melee buffs"? Are you shitting me? you raise the dmg of all the garbage, dumpster tier melee abilities by 6-12% and call it widespread melee buffs??? As many people have already pointed out, the only reason people play EQ as much as they do, is because its a fluid, fun to play style. High dmg (maybe too high sure) but also good AoE and most importantly, it doesnt require you to walk up to within a millimeter of the mobs face and click on its tiny, inconsistent hit box! Namelocking and no AoE on 95% of the meelee skills is the reason why people play EQ. Wake the fuck up already GGG!!!

I'm giving them one more expansion to fix melee and get rid of namelocking before i take my wallet and my time to a different game.

GGG scheme of develompent(based on 4 years of subjet observation)


2.Closed Beta.


4. v1.0+ but technically still beta
Randomizing game mechanics blindly called 'balancing'. Nerfs. Total fail.

5. v2.0+ but technically still beta.
Attept to appease enraged players and bring money flow back. Powerful ascendancys, fortify for melee. EQ. Cards. Prohecies. Lockstep. QoL.

6. v2.4 but technically still beta.
People keep asking for engiene improvement. Damn we can't improve it too much we need to completly erase lagging skills. To do this we need to nerf something else as well to say nerfs are just and even. Lets see the most used skills and nerf them. To justify our actions more lets make and illusion we listen to community and it was community's demand. Let them have ~10% the other boring ussles skills buffed. To create new meta and hype among temporary 'my max ever character level is 85' players lets ridiculously buff two old skills that should be buffed responsibly ages ago. After 3 months we will nerf this ice spear and fireball again anyway(troll smile). Done- game engiene is fixed, endgame is fluorishing. Situation under control. Go play temporary league again. Don't levelup to 100. Don't ever make build worth more than 5ex. Obey.
Hate community since Aug A.D.2012. Distrust developer since 0.11.0.
Last edited by el_hombre_loco on Sep 1, 2016, 7:56:47 AM
Khaylee wrote:
Namelocking and no AoE on 95% of the meelee skills is the reason why people play EQ. Wake the fuck up already GGG!!!

Considering that there is around 20 melee skills (counting not rly melee skills like LS, Lacerate, Reave etc), 95% of it would be all of the but EQ. But hey, have you ever heard about Sunder? Glacial Crash? Lightning Strike? Frost Blades?
Ofc you didn't. You heard only about most OP melee skill - EQ, and that was whole game for you.
plodd wrote:
Boredom111 wrote:
What im missing? why the price of mjolner skyrocket in std?


Unique Item Balance:

Mjölner: Its chance to cast socketed lightning skills on hit has been increased from 30% to 100%. Use a Divine orb if you want your legacy one to change.

Doesn't that explain it?

You know what that proves don't you?

That proves that ggg's whole policy on legacies is based around lies.

It proves there was no need for a legacy mjolner in the first place.

It is a clear indication that what they say should be taken with a pinch of salt.

"Thanks for your continued and generous support. We're greatly looking forward to exploring the Atlas of Worlds with you this weekend!"

hahaha yea right

Every rule has its exception, the change to triggers has reasons, for crying out loud. Legacy Kaom's, Shav's and whatnot will still be there in the future, because they don't cause that much trouble. Seriously, it mystifies me how someone can be so upset about these relatively unimportant things.

You know what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna buy me some more premium tabs and MTXs, and enjoy the coming league without you and the other guys, who act like it's the end of the world when something gets changed.

I seriously wonder why GGG did not yet take this whole thread, with the excpetion of the OP, and dumped it where it smells funny.
[quote="ScrotieMcB"]It's just, like, people's opinions, man.

But I cannot respect motherf♪♫♫♪rs calling something a simulator, when it isn't one.[/quote]

Mors edited this post first.
When you add up how man acts, what he says and what are his curent ideas and fruits of his work the score is: incompetence.
Hate community since Aug A.D.2012. Distrust developer since 0.11.0.
Last edited by el_hombre_loco on Sep 1, 2016, 8:10:04 AM
Am I the only one that saw these nerfs of Mjolnir and CoC etc. coming like very fn long ago? I mean you could build an invincible character with all that trigger gem stuff that kills twinned core malachai in few seconds and people really were thinking this was intended? Also people whining about all the money they now lost just seem to miss like the core gameplay in PoE -> small hint: "nobody cares about standard. nothing that goes in the void comes back out again..."
Standard just exists because people need to be able to to stuff while temp leagues are down. If you want never changing seasons/templeagues with next to no changes what so ever, d3 season xy has started not too long ago
The CoC nerf is fine and deserved. Would not be surprised if spark would be hit next
IGN: Hamstaxo
Sure_K4y wrote:

You know what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna buy me some more premium tabs and MTXs, and enjoy the coming league without you and the other guys, who act like it's the end of the world when something gets changed.

I will do the same.
Everyone can cry about GGG's decisions but it's still the best free to play i've ever seen and i'm still playing it.
By far.
Last edited by Lezaford on Sep 1, 2016, 8:19:03 AM
Players at very high levels (95 and higher) now incur an additional experience penalty equal to 1 - ( 1 / ( 1 + 0.1 * ( level - 94 ) ) ). For example, a level 96 player receives 16.67% less experience than before.

Sure_K4y wrote:
Every rule has its exception, the change to triggers has reasons, for crying out loud. Legacy Kaom's, Shav's and whatnot will still be there in the future, because they don't cause that much trouble. Seriously, it mystifies me how someone can be so upset about these relatively unimportant things.

You know what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna buy me some more premium tabs and MTXs, and enjoy the coming league without you and the other guys, who act like it's the end of the world when something gets changed.

I seriously wonder why GGG did not yet take this whole thread, with the excpetion of the OP, and dumped it where it smells funny.

Legacy koams. No need to have nerfed koams. even with it you barely reach 10k hp whilst es character can run around with 15k.

Legacy bor. Judging by the state of melee since... forever, this never needed to be nerfed hence no legacy.

Legacy rainbowstrides. yea that's was really needed lol and now we have skyforths. Damn those rainbowstrides were op /sarcasm

Not to mention the various iterations of some of those items listed above.

The list goes on.

GGG are playing you. You are their game they are making that they want to play.

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