[2.6] The Curse Whisperer - Tri-Curse CI Whispering Ice Elementalist - Viable for Everything

Does the IAS and cast speed from lightning golem help out that much compared to 40% increased damage from ice golem?
I would definitely prefer the IAS and cast speed of lightning golem, but I haven't been playing that much.

Having extra speed on leap slam as well as icestorm is very handy. The damage is already very beefy, a little utility goes a long way.
Would rather have the cast speed for Ice and Orb of Storms, along with IAS for Leap Slam.
Kelvynn wrote:
reliq wrote:
I think you are overselling it ;) The build is pretty good but you can get OS by non-T16 map boss.
Try facetank GMP doedre, when she throw 3 proj it becomes 9 or 12 and explosion overlaps. Even with 10k ES, you are just dead.
New orchard boss with GMP as well is pretty RIP (let's say with turbo mod and temp chain if you really want to argue about that :)

conclusion: you can't outleech everything in non-T16.

Which Doedre? The one in Core? Or some other map?

I'll roll Doedre and Orchard with GMP+EW just for you. :)

There you go:
New video: Orchard+EW+GMP-MAXRES
Her laser beam does more damage the further you are from her. You can see it changing radius. That's a very nice hint by GGG: concentrated effect!

Simply jump on her and ROFLSTOMP her. :) I've already done the harder version of her in the Plaza map in the previous league, twinned, before she was nerfed in 2.4 - it's in the top post.

I'd do Core+EW+GMP as well, but it's very easy too, especially now that Core is a joke compared to what it used to be before 2.4. But my other video is almost done uploading... ;)

OK... OK... we are talking about skills and not face tanking the dmg burst.
I was specifically referring to be able to survive specific situation where in your video you (smartly) avoid it since you didn't get touch by the projectiles.
I insta rip the other day to doedre in T9 (phantasmagoria) with GMP. Obviously this was my mistake as i walk towards her instead of jumping, but while you facetank her if she throw the 3 proj which becomes 9 or 12 with GMP, I'd be curious if you can survive that.

Anyway, thanks for taking the time to make the video. I'm enjoying the build and it's pretty damn safe.
Also seeing your shaper video, your std character is at a different level. With essence, i'm fairly sure some of us can achieve godly gear too in few weeks.
Last edited by reliq on Sep 14, 2016, 2:39:48 AM
So I and my friend have been thinking on the following (He said that the current bosses in EHC have around 60% curse resistance). That Instead of running tricurse, you can drop doedres (or the 7 skill points, whichever you prefer). And run an extra ring instead (for example perandus ring, 2% int per unique item) which with all the int should give you a about 100+ int more. Would this be worth it you think? (Running MW + enfeeble still, and maybe switch enfeeble with temp chains on mobs/boss)
Wouldn't Elemental Equilibrium work well with the build?
Last edited by brunowa on Sep 14, 2016, 6:53:09 AM
I'm struggling with this build...

Currently level 85
1,370 INT
5,600 ES
Resis not completely capped (40/74/65)
3,500 DPS in hideout with golems up

There are times when I just get hit a couple times in quick succession and I'm quickly dead before leech can do anything.

I can't even complete a Labyrinth Trial without dying 3 times.

I'm clearly doing something wrong... but not sure what?

I understand my chest is not the best... but I'm struggling to save up for the 8ex or so to buy a decent 750+ ES chest with high int on it... I could perhaps upgrade my gloves/boots too, but they are also super expensive for ones with additional good res (it's an expensive build I know... but I'm trying to do it on a budget!)

Can someone please help?


Last edited by brunowa on Sep 14, 2016, 6:58:07 AM
This build low budget ? lol ?
Strel wrote:
This build low budget ? lol ?

uhm..it definitely is! you dont even need a 6 link lol.

the only expensive thing is the amulet which costs one ex...

this is my gear and i got it for like 2-3 ex

i will switch the rare ring to doedres ring when i 6s 5 link my chest

sitting at 30 ex right now so ill buy a new chest soon

1450 int, 8000ES currently
Last edited by Koksii on Sep 14, 2016, 8:45:28 AM

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