
Rhata wrote:
Considering the route your tree goes and the gear that you have, until a player gets the 'can apply an additional curse' would you suggest briefly using 3 points to apply two curses?

Yes indeed

Teklap wrote:
Awesome build my friend. Looking forward to your thoughts after the beta wipe.

Well, i havent played over there, i simply cant find the motivation, and i like to just start the new league/patch thingy with as little knowledge about it as poss.

But i have heard stuff, the thing is right now, i dont rly scale for poison, except the gem. so all in all, removing the gem shouldnt affect the build a ton.

on the other hand tho, a guy earlier in this thread talked about hit rating/hits cant be evaded etc, at first i dismiss´d it, but then i startet to play around wiht pathofbuilding.

and it seems, that the accuracy gem, is one of best if not the best 6th gem.. so i think that will be the replacement



and depends how the new poison works, maybe we want a essence crafted weapon with either minion dmg or cast speed(dagger)

right now, the poison from United in dreams, is scaled by the "%minion dmg" itself and the initial hit from phys/chaos dmg hits, if this changes in 3.0, poison will prolly be useless. but let us see

EDIT : Just took a look at the 3.0 pathofbuilding. poison with current build, will be useless. build as is, will have 90% less poison/ignite dmg.(yes ignites)

So United in dreams will not be a thing, unless you do some crazy gem overhaul
Last edited by DanishGrinder on Jul 5, 2017, 8:55:27 AM
Hello I havnt ventured through all of the comments, but I was wondering if Physical Jewels would also work the same as Minion damage Jewels?
Thanks awesome builds. Looking forward to 3.0!
iVisionary wrote:
Hello I havnt ventured through all of the comments, but I was wondering if Physical Jewels would also work the same as Minion damage Jewels?
Thanks awesome builds. Looking forward to 3.0!

No, must say "minion"


testing accuracy gem on my current srs version, in a 6sextant double beyond of the call, nemesis + double breach Shaped courtyard!
Last edited by DanishGrinder on Jul 5, 2017, 3:23:42 PM

on the other hand tho, a guy earlier in this thread talked about hit rating/hits cant be evaded etc, at first i dismiss´d it, but then i startet to play around wiht pathofbuilding.

and it seems, that the accuracy gem, is one of best if not the best 6th gem.. so i think that will be the replacement

I also looked in POB for a boss fight combination and you get the highest DPS when you also switch Melee Splash with Maim.
ranzbert wrote:

on the other hand tho, a guy earlier in this thread talked about hit rating/hits cant be evaded etc, at first i dismiss´d it, but then i startet to play around wiht pathofbuilding.

and it seems, that the accuracy gem, is one of best if not the best 6th gem.. so i think that will be the replacement

I also looked in POB for a boss fight combination and you get the highest DPS when you also switch Melee Splash with Maim.

thanks for the info, cant wait for all this beta shait is over so we can get the real league :)
hey, one more question here, if u can't get amu with +1 curse, what option better? pick up Whispers of Doom or just run with one curse ?
almazn2015 wrote:
hey, one more question here, if u can't get amu with +1 curse, what option better? pick up Whispers of Doom or just run with one curse ?

In the beginning i would use Windscream or Doedres Damning. You can save the 3 points for other things and the boots gives you with faster run and some res all what you need in the mid game, also the ring with some mana before you run BM on SRS.
When you leveled your char and your masters to craft BM, you maybe got enough currency for an +1 amulet, too.
Hi what if we use
will that be a idea?
Hello, i just corrupted these gloves and was wandering if the curse on hit and poison on full Frenzy works with srs ?

they do not

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