Content Update 2.1.0 Patch Notes

Na_Krul wrote:
Considering the amount of hoops you had to jump through to support it? I agree.
I was able to farm Uber with my build, but only because I was able to support a terrible Damage Effectiveness, Defense stats and survivablity, Mana regen, and actual damage. None of that came cheap.

As incinerate we don't get crit, flat damage the spell costs an arm and leg to support mana wise...It's almost embarrassing how much work it takes to actually use it

It's a shame

are you serious? you are talking about fireball, not incinerate, arent you?
Cool stuff. Can't wait to try the new physical and chaos spells!

The incinerate nerf looks a bit overkill though. I know it was op and meta and all that, but... it's damage is basically halved or even worse :(
"just for try, for see and for know"
spectral throw buff omg :D

Doubt it will go back to being usable unfortunately. Just about everything used by ST builds has been nerfed repeatedly and I don't think this patch is an exception, first glance I think there is a lot less crit available.

I'll have to plan out a build and see what it looks like, it is my favorite skill after all, but the attack speed reduction on weapons last patch I think keeps it dead.
Hey GGG did you fix the bug where you couldn't hold a skill + shift and use a flask at the same time?
Poison Arrow gets a nerf that is compensated by the new support gem and even buffed by the new passive tree nodes.
CoC Cycloners get 20-35% bonus damage just by those spell buffs.

Meanwhile, Incinerate gets nerfed so hard that it will probably be useless. That's not balancing at all.

Aside from that, most changes are welcome.

Also, since the Ascendancy classes will kick in, there should be an option to change your character class, not only a tree reset. Let's say that I have a lvl 85+ Ranger that used melee skills with 1H crit. And lets say that looking on those Ascendancy classes, I decide to keep the build but it will be better as a Duelist because of his 1H phys Ascendancy Class or as a Shadow for a crit class. Then I just lost that char and the effort leveling it. Even though I enjoy leveling a new char (to some point) and seeing the build progress, I think we should have that option to make the previous char the class that fits its build the most on Ascendancy.
Khromix wrote:
rip vaal groundslam, you will be missed but dont worry, vaal spark just the same as before to make up for it.

Well, the vaal groundslem minght stll work out well. In the mean time, those soul-gain corrupted unique jewels will be super hard to get, and I assume that no one will want to trade them out for a cheap price if they get one. And vaal orbs are not that easy to get as chaos or regal, what I am trying to say is that it will be a much longer progression than other well-performed builds.

As to incinerate, it may turn out to do a similar dps as many other spells since it was very stong and easy to use. I had one incinerate tanky mara in tempest , even without RF, I am doing good damage with only a few damage nodes in the tree, but unfortunately died to a staff master in a dangerous rare map with three all charges tempest. Well if i used enffee , it might be another story.
-1 red skill gem oh well maybe we'll get more in Awakening.

Still gonna be fun.
Please don't tell us about all the new uniques in future patch notes. Discovering the new uniques is one of the best things about patches.
Awesome! Can't wait to try out the improved melee splash.
Chris wrote:

Added a new Armour Effect: Vanishing Dye (Prevents an armour piece from being displayed)

Can you combine Vanishing Dye with a back attachment?
(hide the armour but still show the back attachment)

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