Development Manifesto: Content Update 2.1.0 Balance Changes

Could be both, in my opinion the tree is nerfed but the gem could have gotten positive "balance changes"
IGN: LarsPunkNado (dps ts/punture)
IGN: larshuijskens (max dps auramancer)
Was it really neccessary to steal 4% life from Shadows ( Blood Siphon cluster ) ?

As if Witch, Shadow and Ranger didnt already suffer from way too few / weak life nodes...

You could at least buff Revenge of the Hunted and / or Hired Killer which are really sad life clusters

I can live with the nerfed crit - but taking away even more life from this side of the tree must be a bad joke.

Big thanks to the person dedicating his / her time to the offline skilltree planner

When Chuck Norris plays PoE masters do his missions
Last edited by AdFinitum on Dec 7, 2015, 6:29:39 AM
thanks for the tree
this isnt gonna be a void league right, so if i find a sick talisman, it will be transported to standard along with everything else once the league is over, right?
also how long is this league gonna be, 4 months?
Last edited by Fracture333 on Dec 7, 2015, 6:47:22 AM
1: Chisels could be more rare to drop, and dont change map quality but it lvl

2: dont make corrupted areas more rare, i fell a nerf in awakening patch to introduce the masters, theres less corrupted areas than in atziri patch... now with ascendancy its going to be impossible to find one

3: Create a new currency, exp orb, selfuse orb like regret orb, but that gives tons of exp, like 1% of a +lvl90, two kind, or buy or find it empty to fill with ur exp or find it plently,, dunny,, lvl 100 ppl will have this new objetive exp seller, and rich ppl dont need to expend days lvling

4:remove walkspeed based on armour style,, if the guy have str to carry it, why it have to walk slower? then more muscule the more mobility, its the oposite that game propose

5:npc that accept legacy stuff for fair currency, legacy is going to be vanish from the game

6:Energy Shield Flask, not to give ES but to start regen, dont have to wait that cd
AdFinitum wrote:
Was it really neccessary to steal 4% life from Shadows ( Blood Siphon cluster ) ?

As if Witch, Shadow and Ranger didnt already suffer from way too few / weak life nodes...

You could at least buff Revenge of the Hunted and / or Hired Killer which are really sad life clusters

I can live with the nerfed crit - but taking away even more life from this side of the tree must be a bad joke.

Big thanks to the person dedicating his / her time to the offline skilltree planner

Nullification got an extra 5% life now.
I guess that's why they balanced the starting area.

bapperson wrote:
Nullification got an extra 5% life now.
I guess that's why they balanced the starting area.


Two Energy Shield nodes to get 5% life seems plausible ... not. Actually this node makes the life changes even more out of order. ES builds dont want life, especially low life / cast when stunned builds, life builds dont take two nodes for 2.5% life each. Only useful for EB / hybrid builds which got enough EHP already anyways.

Seems GGG tries to force people to use EB to justify the great change to it and the associated mana desaster. "If you use our great new reworked EB we reward you with more life - the rest bites the dust"

But thanks for the heads up pointing me into the right direction to realize what GGG is up to.
When Chuck Norris plays PoE masters do his missions
Last edited by AdFinitum on Dec 7, 2015, 7:36:41 AM
There are actually so many Surgeon's in game that I don't see the point of creating legacy flasks.

Also, people will craft and/or buy a lot of them in these days now that they know...
Legacy surgeon flasks? WTH
Can you guys explain how the Aura Curse works? In example, if two players have different aura curses active near a monster, which one will apply? Or both of them will?

Thank you.

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