NeverSink's LOOTFILTER v8.13.x♦ in-depth ♦ endgame+leveling 2in1 ♦ user-friendly ♦ SC/HC versions


will there be an updated version of your filter for tomorrows synthesis league start?

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ NeverSink TAKE MY ENERGY ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Did Neversink say an approx time to release today's new filter?
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ NeverSink TAKE MY ENERGY ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Lunasicc187 wrote:

will there be an updated version of your filter for tomorrows synthesis league start?


Everything will be updated 3-6 hours before start.
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ NeverSink TAKE MY ENERGY ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
6.70 is ready for download !
i just got it

Tyvm NeverSink !!
So the section for Fractured Items confuses me. It looks like this:

# [0519] Synthesis - Fractured Items

FracturedItem True
Width <= 2
Height <= 1
Rarity <= Rare
SetFontSize 45
SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Special Base
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255 # BACKGROUND: Rare T1
PlayAlertSound 2 300 # DROPSOUND: Currency Sound
MinimapIcon 2 White Hexagon
PlayEffect White

FracturedItem True
Rarity <= Rare
Class "Bow" "Staves" "Two Hand"
SetFontSize 40
SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Special Base
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
MinimapIcon 2 White Hexagon
PlayEffect White Temp

FracturedItem True
Rarity <= Rare
SetFontSize 45
SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255 # BORDERCOLOR: Special Base
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255 # BACKGROUND: Rare T1
PlayAlertSound 2 300 # DROPSOUND: Currency Sound
MinimapIcon 2 White Hexagon
PlayEffect White Temp

The top section and the bottom section are identical, except that the top section would only call out belts, right? Why do we need a special section for that if the belt is going to display the same as all the other items?

Is there something special about belts that I'm missing?
Last edited by Merneith on Mar 9, 2019, 3:56:28 PM
Merneith wrote:
The top section and the bottom section are identical, except that the top section would only call out belts, right? Why do we need a special section for that if the belt is going to display the same as all the other items?

Is there something special about belts that I'm missing?

The settings for those 2 blocks are almost identical, look again.
And about the first block, it's also compatible with amulets, rings, and jewels.
Last edited by xhul on Mar 9, 2019, 7:36:42 PM
I see. The bottom highlight is only temporary. Thanks for pointing that out.

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