Anyone else never chanced a Unique?

Not yet. Chanching every Gavel, Prophecy Wand and Gold Ring I find, but no luck atm :-(
"Metas rotate all the time, eventually the developers will buff melee"
PoE 2013-2018
toyotatundra wrote:
Infernal Mantle :D

So, one unique for me. I have never really put any real effort into chancing. I just carry a stack of chances in inventory and occasionally throw one here and there on various white bases.

I do the same. I also chanced Infernal Mantle... and Lioneye's Glare and Devoto's Devotion.
Last edited by anone on Mar 18, 2015, 5:06:20 AM
ZiggyD is the Labyrinth of streamers, some like it, some dont, but GGG will make sure to push it down ur throat to make you like it
Thousands of chances used and still got nothing to show for it. Someday, someday...
"Axe bad! Fix please!"
I chanced a Sidhebreath

in a race

voltaxic, lioneyes glare, volls devotion, maelstrom of chaos, infernal mantle

I accidentally chanced a blood reaper's once. After that I was like, huh, you can craft uniques... Then I tried for a long time to chance a Romira's Banquet and eventually succeeded. I basically picked up every %30 diamond ring I found and chanced them when I had some chances. (I play self found.) I never have chances because of this. I still do it. I chance every decent ring I find and certain base item types like sharkskin boots. Still have only ever gotten the two things. Once on accident and once after a long time on purpose. Keep at it and maybe RNGesus will favor you. For sure you should use them on something since they serve no other purpose. Just keep your expectations low.
Alas, nothing yet. I'll keep trying but I won't hold my breath.
"I reject your reality and substitute my own." - Dr Who (Tom Baker, 1976).
If you want to chance a unique that badly, aim for unique maps. The chance is significantly better than all other items.
An infernal mantle, for my incinerator, saved me like, 30 ex (was pre-6l'd)

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