Doeboy™ 👊 #1 Cast On Cyclone Discharge HP/Dodge or CI

Ranger4Lyfe wrote:

Cut the spam now, iam really sick of that.
No leveling trees since the build can be lvled as caster / melee / or whatever, evasive dodge build with crit, even with a bow is possible. Also can be lvled as cast on crit (dagger/wand whatever)!
Now got it? (all that possiblities can be read out of the tree btw, if you would look at it and understand it)

but nice trollaccount u got there. poor ppl these days

Poor hahaha, coming from the guy that uses mirrored gear in ALL his build guides and each build is 100s of exalts to do Uber.

Since you don't seem to want to help people out with the leveling guide, I'll just leave,. You seem to not want to help out with that regard.

I don't understand what's the point of whining here? OP clearly stated that this guide will not have a leveling guide on the front page.

If you're jelly about op's gear and wealth. you're more than welcome to open a jelly post in general forum. ppl will be more than happy to collect ur salty tears. However this is constructive guide, please keep yourself civilized and keep your hostility to yourself. thank you.
Ranger4Lyfe wrote:

Cut the spam now, iam really sick of that.
No leveling trees since the build can be lvled as caster / melee / or whatever, evasive dodge build with crit, even with a bow is possible. Also can be lvled as cast on crit (dagger/wand whatever)!
Now got it? (all that possiblities can be read out of the tree btw, if you would look at it and understand it)

but nice trollaccount u got there. poor ppl these days

Poor hahaha, coming from the guy that uses mirrored gear in ALL his build guides and each build is 100s of exalts to do Uber.

Since you don't seem to want to help people out with the leveling guide, I'll just leave,. You seem to not want to help out with that regard.

I don't understand what's the point of whining here? OP clearly stated that this guide will not have a leveling guide on the front page.

If you're jelly about op's gear and wealth. you're more than welcome to open a jelly post in general forum. ppl will be more than happy to collect ur salty tears. However this is constructive guide, please keep yourself civilized and keep your hostility to yourself. thank you.

From one mirrored gear player to another with Shavs, CoE, HH and more mirrored gear. You misconstrue salt for actual criticism on the options outside of this build outside 100s of exalts to do Uber. Not counting the fact he had 1 portal left on his Uber run a few days back with 100s of exalts in gear as per his twitch stream.

If you don't see the issue with dying 5 times in 100s of exa of gear, then I guess I am only talking to standard players with the perception that a build that is an "atziri farmer" is okay if you die a shitload.

There are no issues with wealth. It's standard league, the loot dump of all leagues. There is a reason Uber was not killed on Warbands or Tempest with this build. It needs certain items that only standard offers, which is fine, unless you tell people it doesn't.

Whatever you say mate.
Last edited by Ranger4Lyfe on Aug 9, 2015, 2:20:57 PM

From one mirrored gear player to another with Shavs, CoE, HH and more mirrored gear. You misconstrue salt for actual criticism on the options outside of this build outside 100s of exalts to do Uber. Not counting the fact he had 1 portal left on his Uber run a few days back with 100s of exalts in gear as per his twitch stream.

If you don't see the issue with dying 5 times in 100s of exa of gear, then I guess I am only talking to standard players with the perception that a build that is an "atziri farmer" is okay if you die a shitload.

There are no issues with wealth. It's standard league, the loot dump of all leagues. There is a reason Uber was not killed on Warbands or Tempest with this build. It needs certain items that only standard offers, which is fine, unless you tell people it doesn't.

Whatever you say mate.

Aright buddy. my false for not noticing that you created this a new account just to attack doeboy. hopeful others that are reading this right now also realize that you're just a troll, I mean come on buddy. You made a brand new account just to come here and attack op? did op accidentally stepped on top of you? are u a player that dream about killing uber but never succeed?

Let's just let GGG to decide about your credibility. GL HF troll

Id like to know how much it would cost to make this build atziri viable. Like what items are really a must have? Other then of course the Voll chest. Thanks in advance.
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Last edited by Doe on Dec 8, 2015, 2:27:42 PM
How do u deal with the energy shield regen? idk how u do that xD
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Last edited by Doe on Dec 8, 2015, 2:27:51 PM
Lol at the whiner. People these days cant think for themselves. I found the reduced mana cost and life wheel close to the melee crit wheel, on the left side of the tree, very helpful for managing es, with the added bonus of life. my cyclone is at a cost of 2 and is so easy to run with only one jewel with es on hit.
Last edited by TheChandrian on Aug 9, 2015, 9:29:56 PM
Imo I've started playing this build. Leveling with a different build and Doe has been exceptionally helpful answering heaps of questions about gear/skill gems/passive tree. He's obviously put a lot of work into the guide. Saying that it's not to do leveling trees might be a bit more on your side than his.

Edit. Honestly not trying to start more flame tho. Just trying to say he's done a lot of work, and if you just ask nicely he's very helpful
Last edited by Moon_Bear on Aug 10, 2015, 4:06:03 AM
i did it offstream bro ^^


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