Guild Recruitment Channel: Global Chat #100

Just picked up this game with the intention of playing exclusively hardcore! i haven't died yet! I'd it'd be cool to have an excuse to hang out/team up with folks instead of just picking my way through the dungeons solo. I play with my gut, slow and steady without a focus on uber builds/gearing since i'm too new to really worry about all that.

If there's a guild that's active and welcomes another body, i'm game.
probably looking for guild soon. I'm still new at the game, but I play a lot. This is my first league and still just trying to find my right niche, I do really like archer builds in this game though.

I am in a place holder guild, which is actually the name of a guild from another game that I am in (this was a pro active move on my part in case guild spamming is thing here, it was terrible in WoW, so you needed to guild up fast to avoid the spam-trolls)

I am a 30+ year old dude, so please no immature guilds, I can have a laugh and have a sense of humor, but find I don't tend to mesh well in guilds that are utter chaos.

I am nowhere near endgame content yet, just looking for somewhere to begin to become integrated so when the time comes, it's a lot easier to form a team with people you sort of know.. so it's more for the social aspect right now, but wanting to forge relationships for future team building.

I am based in the UK as well, but I keep irregular hours.

thanks for reading.
Tyrs Paladium - DoT Enthusiast.
Last edited by Umbral_Spectre on Dec 13, 2016, 4:42:00 PM
I am looking for a guild, I used to play the game when it was released, been retired for a long time and now i want to play...
Recently switched to BSC from BHC. Looking out for an active English speaking guild that does end game content.
Want join to guild, char info u can check in my profile, if u want something, write me in game-plusminus-cyc.
new player looking for guild, lvl 75 templar spark, pm me or hit me up in game
Hi , I am looking for a guild. I play on standard, rather casual. PM here or hit me in game.
Hi, would like to join a guild. Thanks!
Hi, looking for members to my new Polish guild ;)

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Last edited by Czadooo on Jan 8, 2017, 12:38:10 PM

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