" The Winter-Arc Crit ": Simple, cheap, safe and high dps 30k+ ( 2.0 updated)

Ogiwogi wrote:
According to the wiki (http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/The_Three_Dragons),

"This item does not convert stats or modifiers in any way, including modifiers such as "5% chance to Ignite". For example, if an enemy is struck by fire damage without Three Dragons it has a chance to be ignited based on the fire damage dealt equal to the sum of all "chance to Ignite" modifiers the player has. If the same hit is performed with Three Dragons equipped, the player may inflict a shock ailment based on the amount of fire damage dealt equal to the sum of all "chance to Shock" modifiers. This hit can no longer ignite the target (unless it also deals cold damage) and is therefore not affected by "chance to Ignite" modifiers in any way."

It seems Lighting Damage can Freeze instead of Shock, but "chance to shock" itself doesn't become "chance to freeze" with three dragons.

Several posts on the forum also say the same.

However, you are actually playing with this build and freezing enemy at like 50% chance.
So... I'm pretty confused about it.

I know the several posts on the forum about this ,and i already did tests with very low chance to shock vs high chance( low shock = 1-3 of 10 hits freez / high shock =4-5 of 10 hits freez ) .i know it says it should not matter the chance of shock but .. this is how it works : the chance of shock is not modified completely in chance to freeze but when you shock ( a chance to get freez exist and somehow it gets higher ) My theory is : when you hit and apply shock ( it has 1/2 chances to proc freez ) and if you have chances to shock like say 1/4 then the freez is 1/8 chances and this way what they say about "the shock chance not been modified in freeze completely" its true but my way u still manage to go to 1/2.
I am the type of person who prefers to see what happens if i do something instead of believing theorys :P
Thanks a lot for reply, now I'm going to try this build out myself ;)

As previous posters stated, the chance to freeze is somewhat unclear relative to the 3D text, character stats, passives and actual gaming experience.

I am using both 3D and Pyre.

Sitting atm at 21% crit chance (working on that) and my stats show as follows: ignite 10%/freeze 10%/shock 25%.

This is not a rant or complaint, I really like the build - was prolly the first in Std to buy both items once I read your guide :).

Bear in mind of course that my gems are still lvl 18, therefore no quality.

For reference, this is my passives tree:


Appreciate the input.

what bandits do we get?
OP says kill all.
I went oak, kill, +1 power charge
crucialp wrote:

running a non-crit version of my build will still be ok (you will be able to do up to 78 maps a bit slower ) but you need to power up ur items lots of spell dmg / cast as high as you can .the passive tree its ok for non crit .
asbo96 wrote:
what bandits do we get?

get pasive points all .
check the build as i updated some extra features of the build ^^ at the bottom of the page
this friday i will finally get home and start doing the videos on how this build looks in action ^^

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