Lightning Buzzsaw CoC

Poerger wrote:
hey Mathil any thoughts on an update for the build? :o

Quite possibly. Not sure what exactly you're after but I'll probably make a video of sorts of how I've been playing my Witch with the spec. (spoiler alert: still ball lightning/arc)
A list of all my builds and guides - streaming daily
Stuff like that :D
Why still ball lightning and not fp? The switch to fp would have been the reason for most of my questions (for example: Still the same tree, how about switching lightning pen with added crit dmg ...)

/a video would be great too ofc :D
Last edited by Poerger on Sep 24, 2014, 2:02:27 AM
Poerger wrote:
Stuff like that :D
Why still ball lightning and not fp? The switch to fp would have been the reason for most of my questions (for example: Still the same tree, how about switching lightning pen with added crit dmg ...)

/a video would be great too ofc :D

Cause I tried it and while single target is marginally better I feel my clear speed sucks total ass compared to ball lightning. It cleans up so well and noone seems to love poor ball lightning :(
A list of all my builds and guides - streaming daily
Have you tried discharge instead of ball lightning? I'm experimenting with arc + discharge now in this build and the results are.. interesting.
Player since closed beta 2012. Full system specs:
'Tongueslurp the Unspeakable' - skeleton archer in Fellshrine Merciless
Hi there,

I have a question that might have been answered already but I didn't find it so I apologize if this is the case.

Why do you play with the starkonja's head? If you look for IAS and CRIT, rat's nest provides better amount of those with more evasion. But I understand it doesn't boost your life nor evasion+damage reduction on low life but it seems to me you don't stay often low life with this build?

Thanks mate! And thanks for sharing your build.
Hi there,

I have a question that might have been answered already but I didn't find it so I apologize if this is the case.

Why do you play with the starkonja's head? If you look for IAS and CRIT, rat's nest provides better amount of those with more evasion. But I understand it doesn't boost your life nor evasion+damage reduction on low life but it seems to me you don't stay often low life with this build?

Thanks mate! And thanks for sharing your build.

Rat's nest is a great helm but I feel without using that movement speed bonus that it's just not worth dropping 90+ life on starkonja. I use starkonja because the build is pretty low on life as it is so I can't really afford to drop 90+ life for 50 crit and 5 AS.
A list of all my builds and guides - streaming daily
Zedda wrote:
Have you tried discharge instead of ball lightning? I'm experimenting with arc + discharge now in this build and the results are.. interesting.

I have been trying discharge but in a different way. I'll be sharing that at some time in the future (few days-a week).
A list of all my builds and guides - streaming daily
What about the combo of arctic breath and ball lightning? both should have the same speed and profit both from gmp, wouldnt that be superior to arc?

Also, why arent you using cwdt?

edit: would this shield be a good one or is the spell dmg needed to kill stuff?
Last edited by dr460nf1r3 on Sep 24, 2014, 1:41:06 PM
He mentioned cwdt in his video. Dont remember if its his setup, but I use: Cwdt, Immortal Call, increased dura, enduring cry.

The shield is a nice mana & life buff. You can certainly kill stuff without spell dmg on your shield, but I would rate spell dmg > mana, since I have no problem at all with my ~540 at the moment ;)
Oh okay. i guess i shouldve watched the entire video and not only parts of it haha. my bad..

The thing is im not sure if im able to run high lvl aa with a low es shield thats why ill definitly try this one

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