Screenshot of Forsaken Masters Socket Crafting

Dalnor73 wrote:
but good things started to finally come my way when I gave up my sense o entitlement.

This is so refreshing to hear. <3
Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018.
ITS SIMPLE if u think 1500 fusing is expensive JUST USE 1 BY 1 THEN.
I've spent over 150 Exalted's worth of fusings on 6 linking items,

Never once,
Never again.
[Gear & Club] ¯\(°_°)/¯ #1 Professional Afk Club /2133058
[Hideout] New Oriath /2505008
[Pvp Trophy] PVP #1 EU & US EA /1591888 | | BM EA /1431163
[Dead] PSC La /1682118, Build BM PA /1296491, BM IG LL ST /1121092, Shop /874905
"God's in his Heaven, All's right with the world!" IGN: Libritannia
Instead of having list of everything wouldn't it be easier to have tabs for crafting type like fusings and off-colours (and whatever else you can do). and if possible option to 6 link just shouldn't be there for a 5 socket item...
2 off colors on a 4 socket item for 25 chromes is got-like!

can't wait till AUG 20!!! thx GGG for your hard work , passion , and dedication to the game and the playerbase!! <33333
TreeOfDead wrote:
And a lot other good players leave poe from bad gambling systems.
1500 fusing are insane, there no one sell fusings, and most TRY to buy 35-40 MAXIMUM fusing per 1 exalted, farm fusings request months no life boters, its insane overpiced for 6 link.

Same with 285 chromatics for JUST 3 red, its not worth it at all.


Dude you are talking about an ENG GAME GEAR. it is supposed to be the most powerful item in the entire game, how do you want to get that easily?

Tabula Rasa really "ENG GAME GEAR"?
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Evanenites9 wrote:
Instead of having list of everything wouldn't it be easier to have tabs for crafting type like fusings and off-colours (and whatever else you can do).

I like this.

Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018.
Notice how small the scroll bar is on the right. Many crafting options available? :D
I am lot curious to see how this works :D

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