You ruined Standard with Legacy items!

I see it only as a good thing that those items are so expensive, gives you something for the long haul..
mark1030 wrote:
How? How do legacy items affect ALL traders? By making the non-legacy versions cheaper? Sounds like a good deal to me.

So your contention is all traders are affected by a single powerful and rare item that costs a lot of currency? That's dumb. Let's try this one: Do you see that the non-legacy ones are cheaper? Isn't cheaper better? Unless of course, you are a seller.

You asked me how legacy affect ALL traders, well we have a legacy speculation market pushing up prices on ALL orbs and some unique items....

I gave a solution that would not hurt the market and would help GGG.
All orb prices are going up because there might be an item that gets legacy status? How do you figure? Wouldn't people be hoarding those items and not orbs, because those items will go up in value but the orbs will not?

And you gave a solution that would most definitely hurt the market. You'd be removing a substantial amount of wealth from it be devaluing all legacy items. And helping GGG is quite a speculation. You are assuming that it will help GGG based on your own personal feelings but ignoring the harm GGG would endure by marginalizing a group of who have been supporting GGG the longest.
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mark1030 wrote:
All orb prices are going up because there might be an item that gets legacy status? How do you figure? Wouldn't people be hoarding those items and not orbs, because those items will go up in value but the orbs will not?

And you gave a solution that would most definitely hurt the market. You'd be removing a substantial amount of wealth from it be devaluing all legacy items. And helping GGG is quite a speculation. You are assuming that it will help GGG based on your own personal feelings but ignoring the harm GGG would endure by marginalizing a group of who have been supporting GGG the longest.

Are you really that ignorant to the markets? I want to play long term dumster leagues, in the 4 month leagues I pull out 10 exalted... I don't know how to play Wall St. Tycoon and have never felt satified with one build after 2.5 years of playing. I stopped giving money to GGG because after 2.5 years of playing I have NEVER found a T1 item....


Maybe I will stop complaining if I knew how to flip in the markets... to get the shit that I want to play with.... but farming items get most people no where and they quit. PM me on a a way to make currency and I will shut up.
Last edited by IamtheAxeMan on Jul 31, 2014, 9:02:53 PM
mark1030 wrote:

If they're not hard to get, why make such a big deal about them not dropping?

Read what I said again because thats not it. What I said is IF you have the currency they aren't hard to get. The big deal about them not dropping is that drops are that much more disappointing and you have to come up with huge amounts of currency for one item, the more expensive ones can take years for legitimate players and for what reason? Balance? What balance?


And they aren't more important than ever before. They are just more important to people who care more about what somebody else has than they do about just playing the game with what they have.

That's such a cop out response. How do you expect new players to not care that more powerful versions of items no longer drop and are still allowed to be used and traded? You can't just call people jealous for wanting a decent reason for the devs treating standard like that.

Startkabels wrote:

So why did you bring it up then, you're countering your own argument...

Your making no sense at all.
Standard Forever
Last edited by iamstryker on Jul 31, 2014, 9:17:58 PM
Uvne wrote:
If you're this worried about the game's balance, stop playing Standard. You're essentially asking GGG to nerf existing players and builds down to your level of attainable wealth, despite the fact that they spent a lot of time gearing these characters. If they retroactively update legacy gear, they have to deal with the complaints that people's investments have been ruined. If they enable old versions of uniques to still drop, then they have turned Standard into an actual "easy mode" with better gear. These are both far worse outcomes than retiring the pieces and leaving the people who already have them alone.

If you want to avoid the sense that you're at a playtime disadvantage compared to older players, then this is exactly why GGG created the 4 month leagues. Since you don't seem to want to use this option, you don't have a legitimate complaint.

This is not a justifiable defense to why legacy items should not be removed.

IF GGG HAVE TO NERF OTHER PLAYERS TO BRING EVERYONE DOWN TO THE ATTAINABLE LEVEL THEN THAT'S WHAT SHOULD BE DONE. IF THE ITEMS MAKE THE GAME EASY MODE THEN THEY SHOULDN'T HAVE THEM. HOWEVER IF ANYONE SHOULD HAVE THEM THEN EVERYONE SHOULD BE ABLE TO OBTAIN THEM. FUCKING SIMPLE. Legacy items are imbalanced, and people like you piss me off with your justification of them, FOUR MONTH LEAGUES HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH STANDARD LEAGUES, your argument is tired, legacy items are unfair, you even state it yourself, so stop defending AND ESPECIALLY STOP DEFENDING IT WITH topics that have nothing to do with legacy items. [Removed by Support]

God, I hope GGG chops down your money tree.

Last edited by Gary_GGG on Aug 1, 2014, 3:12:12 PM
Is there something wrong with your keyboard?
Do_odle wrote:

But seriously:


Everyone can have them. Farm for orbs. Trade for them. Fucking simple.

Legacy items are somewhat imbalanced

FTFY. With the exception of Kaoms Heart, is there really any Legacy unique that is leaps and bounds better than its predecessor? Go through the changelog and get back to me.

legacy items are unfair

You might also say its unfair that some have played this game for thousands of hours and never seen an exalt drop, whereas someone else could just drop a mirror from normal Hillock on their first run. Unfair is subjective as hell.


You're right. The argument against legacy stuff seems to be that they are unfair to new players-- kinda like standard league in general. The funny thing is, people are crying out that legacy items are ruining the economy of an already bloated and ruined economy.

[Removed by Support]

And this is where any credibility you may have had in this discussion is completely lost. Really, anyone who likes legacy stuff is guilty of RMT?
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Last edited by Gary_GGG on Aug 1, 2014, 3:17:34 PM
please close a couple of topics about legacy items, pretty annoying that people are arguing about the same thing across 6 topics

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